JBP Fall Work

Thomas J.

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As I mentioned to Harry earlier, I was ready to start doing my fall work on my JBPs as it seems he was already finished with his. Here's what I finally ended up with. I think everything came out pretty good. What do you think?

Before on the left, after on the right


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This semi cascade is my favorite in my collection.


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Nice work and very nice trees Thomas, but I haven't finished yet, that was the first tree I worked on, still a few left, keep us posted.

keep it green,
This one I hope some day will be an awesome shohin, it sure has good taper.


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And finally the little guy. I waited two years to finally work on this one because last year it didn't have many new candles. But oh those little branches that are all in proportion with the rest of the tree.:D


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Great trees! To me, it feels like you are leaving a little too much on the top for seasonal energy balancing - almost like you are preparing these trees for show, and not for winter. They look great, but I would normally thin the tops more(?)
Great trees! To me, it feels like you are leaving a little too much on the top for seasonal energy balancing - almost like you are preparing these trees for show, and not for winter. They look great, but I would normally thin the tops more(?)

Yes the tops will be thinned out a bit more, especially the first one. I just wanted to get some pics from the initial clean up. There actually isn't much more to remove because what your seeing is quite a few branches behind branches making it look like too much foliage, the result of seeing it in 2D rather than 3D.
Very nice Thomas! I love the cascade! I have one like it but a few years behind yours.

Very nice!
I love the bark on that next to last shohin. Can you tell me about the photography? The ones with the black background. Did you just take a picture at night with your flash? Or is there some kind of secondary lighting that you're using?
Can you tell me about the photography? The ones with the black background. Did you just take a picture at night with your flash? Or is there some kind of secondary lighting that you're using?

Hi NIck,
No I never use flash when taking my pics at night with a dark background. My setup is on my back patio where I have two of the patio lights pointed down on the subject, and I also have a third light held in my left hand pointed at different areas of the tree while I snap the photo with my right hand. I'll take as many snaps as I need until I get exactly what I'm looking for.

Not all of my trees look good with a nighttime background so I experiment using a daylight shot with a white background. It's unreal how the same tree can look so good with one lighting effect, and so blah with another.:confused:
It's unreal how the same tree can look so good with one lighting effect, and so blah with another.:confused:

I know, this winter I've decided to learn how to photograph trees well, but it's actually very challenging. I think you're definitely on the right track though.
I love the cascade! I have one like it but a few years behind yours.

Hi Tim,
Hey I'd like to see your cascade. Why don't you post it or send me an e-mail with it. Most of the JBPs we see posted are the stand up varities and I like to see more cascades:D

Wonderful trees my friend! These are all relatively small sizes trees, yes? They are beautifully developed, though I am used to working on much larger pine specimens where its easier to break up the helmut with pads and separated layers. I enjoy your work... thanks for sharing!

Nice trees Thomas thanks for sharing and for info on how you photograph your trees.
Where did you get the trees and how long have you had them?
Cheers G
Yes they are mostly of the shohin size except for the first one which would be considered medium size I guess at around 14 or 15 inches. I wish had a few larger ones that were more open and spread apart in their branch structure. Wiring these guys is like walking on eggs the whole time your doing it because no one wants to start losing needles because of big fingers.:)

I've had the trees a few years now and purchased them from a fellow club member.;)
Just finished some fall work on the pines as well...here are before and after photos of a JBP. Enjoy!


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