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Good Morning All,

I have been looking at my Kokufu 83 book and was wondering if someone could explain the designations - Important Bonsai Masterpiece and Kokufu Prize to me and what they mean in terms of the judging.


I'd really like to learn about this as well. I'm pretty sure that Kokufu prize is the highest award you can get in the show. Not sure about the "important bonsai masterpiece." I would assume it just means that that tree was recognized and ranked higher than the other trees at the show.
I guess it should be like the « important cultural asset » distinction that is a distinction recognised or given by the government and which has not time limit.
This is a guess, but I think past Kokufu winners can't win again but can be shown. The prizes may make this distinction. I don't for sure though, but for some reason that's sticking in my head.
Good Morning All,

I have been looking at my Kokufu 83 book and was wondering if someone could explain the designations - Important Bonsai Masterpiece and Kokufu Prize to me and what they mean in terms of the judging.



Kokufu Prize is equivalent to best of show. There is no specific number that they will give out. They usually give out one prize to 5 at the max. And every 10th exhibit, they give out more Kokufu prizes.

For Important Bonsai Masterpiece, Nippon Bonsai Association (NBA) will let people submit their trees to be registered as a Important Bonsai Masterpiece. The fee is $1500.(if I remember it correctly). Not all of them will pass the screeening. The tree that is registered, is recognized as a one of the best specimen and can be submitted to show at Kokufu. this group of tree will not be not be screened to get in to the show. They still need to be presented on judging day.
Important Bonsai Masterpiece is not allowed to be exported or sold to new owner outside Japan.

This title can be removed if the tree lost the shape.

Yes, Thanks for the reply. I appreciate you taking the time to educate.

you're welcome,
Thank you Boon! We really appreciate hearing from you and hope to see you posting more.
Important Bonsai Masterpiece is not allowed to be exported or sold to new owner outside Japan.

I am somewhat saddened to hear this. Why should it matter who the owner is if the tree is maintained in the highest standard of the art form?
I am somewhat saddened to hear this. Why should it matter who the owner is if the tree is maintained in the highest standard of the art form?

The Japanese culture has changed somewhat due to the economy, it used to be that the winner of the All Japan Koi Show had the same rules, now anybody with a million bucks laying around can buy the winner and eat it if they want. I'm not positive about this but it used to be that only Japanese owners could enter, but I think I read somewhere that it was open to anyone now, funny how money affects all walks of life, even tradition.

keep it green,
I believe they are considered a national treasure and I can't think of another country that would allow their national treasures to be sold to another country.

Quite a few years ago, someone in England held an auction for a WWII Spitfire, A wealthy Texan went to England to buy it, but they wouldn't sell it to him for any price. I'm glad some things are more important than money. Too many years have gone by, my details may be a little off, but the story is true. I have read hat Egypt wants all of it's treasures that were pillaged over the years returned, I can't blame them.

keep it green,
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