Leaving Your Bonsai Babies Home Alone


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What do you all do with your trees when you go on vacation? I'm leaving for 5 days in a few weeks and I'm looking for alternatives to putting my trees in plastic bags. Which is what I've always done in the past.
I've thought of submersing them in water up to the top of the pot and letting them soak for 5 days...but I'm not sure if this would have a negative effect on the roots. I figure it rains for 5 days straight sometimes and the trees stay soaking wet then so some artificial wet feet shouldn't hurt too much. What do you all think? Any suggestions?
Rain brings air with it, a thought to keep in mind. Other than that, I share your curiosity.

Find someone who can water them for you.
I set up an overhead watering system on a timer for when I go on vacation, using tubing, sprayers, etc. from dripworks.com. The line goes over my benches, and does a really great job. Didn't cost all that much money either.
Rain brings air with it, a thought to keep in mind. Other than that, I share your curiosity.


I agree with Dave. You will be leaving the roots in a virtually anoxic environment (except for any dissolved oxygen in the water, but without gills, your roots can't use this) for 5 days and soaking in water which will eventually result in root rot. Not a good idea.

Have a (conscientious) neighbor water them for you. That's what I plan on doing next week. :D Have a great vacation and try not to think about your bonsai's too much while you're gone. I know its difficult sometimes, they're like our babies!
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