Mosquito are the Devil!

I have to deal with bites every time I go outside. I have been bitten so many times, the bites don't last much more than an hour on me any longer. I remember when Iw as a kid, a bit would last like 3-4 days +... Seriously, they don't last over an hour any more... Not sure why, guess I am becoming immune.. I just try to wear long pants more often to keep them off me and deal with the upper body exposure.
That's because they are all down in N GA:mad:...I get an aerobic work out swatting the SOBs, even at mid day.

Interesting, did you guys have a very cold winter this year? I really wonder if that killed a lot of them off here.

I've tried using a dryer sheet - it seems to work pretty well, but it's not 100% effective. I've tried rubbing it on my legs or putting in my pocket and letting it stick out, and it does an ok job.
They are absolutely menacing here. I use Deep Woods Off and it only slows them down a tad. I also like to mix 50% skin so soft and 50% rubbing alcohol. It works pretty good.

You can also take garlic tablets daily...I heard from a friend that keeps them away but I haven't tried it yet.
Interesting, did you guys have a very cold winter this year? I really wonder if that killed a lot of them off here.

I've tried using a dryer sheet - it seems to work pretty well, but it's not 100% effective. I've tried rubbing it on my legs or putting in my pocket and letting it stick out, and it does an ok job.

Yep, the Polar vortex spared no one...2 F one morning in my yard this past winter.
Citronella oil. It's used in candles, fuel for tiki torches, and some skin moisturizers. It's derived from lemongrass herb. My great-grandmother would always burn citronella candles when we'd have cookouts.
I'm going to Maine soon. I remember getting mosquito bites that left scars. I think it's the Maine state bird. When you say "I gave blood", it doesnt necessarily mean to the Red Cross...
When I get to many around me, lighter + bug spray together, makes a little mini flamethrower, kills them all. It's fun too.
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