My first Cryptomeria


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Hey all,
I recently met an older gentleman who maintains a nice plot of trees. He was wanting to get rid of some of the faster growing trees and allowed my to collect this cryptomeria for free (along with a hemlock, 2 junipers, and some smaller american elms). We hit it off immediately so I will get to help him and learn from him in the future.
The tree has approximately a 3.5" diameter trunk. I cut about 4' off the top. i would guess its about 2' tall right now. I lucked out with the base and the trunk movement because I could not really see any of it when I decided to collect it. I collected it on 5/15 and ended up fully repotting it a little later. I repotted it in 60/40 pumice/turface mix. It has responded well to the repot and right now I am letting it rest. I may lightly clean up the foliage in about 6wks or so after it becomes more vigorous.
I dont know what cultivar it is so my major concern is that it might not be great for bonsai. But I think I have a thick enough trunk to make the perspective work.
What do you think of the tree?


They make fine bonsai in the larger scale and it looks like you have yourself a fine piece to work with.
Ted, that is a nice tree to work with. I have 2, purchased from different vendors, different times. I have enjoyed them the past couple of years, but they do not like the direct heat in middle summer. Here in Alabama it got to 95-100 F on my deck last year. My favorite was on the deck, it started getting red/bronze spots that got bigger. Then that area would die and foliage fall off. When I realized it was the heat I moved it to the shade. It continued to die back all over the tree. I could see new growth coming from the trunk. I removed it from the bonsai pot this spring into a 3 gal pot to grow this summer. So they are hardy, but keep out of hot sun.
Keep LOOkin Up!
They are great trees to work with, Ted, and that looks like a fine specimen. Keep us posted as it progresses. :)

Thanks everyone,
I am really excited about this one. I think it has potential and will be really fun to work with. I will watch out to make sure its not getting to much sun though in Maryland, we cant compare to the heat in Alabama. Plus, I have 6 large trees in my back yard.
Thanks Will, much appreciated. I will keep yall updated.

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