My Japanese Red Pine

Just saw the other post. Hope most of the others are oakay. We want to make trees with less and less branches but this is overkill. Hope no one got hurt.
Bad year for bonsai people on both sides of the country, I feel for you.
Bad year for bonsai people on both sides of the country, I feel for you.
Thanks Vance. It's funny... I want to say how unlucky I am to have had this happen to me. But... I was soooo lucky to have found this tree when I did over 12 years ago. I was soooo lucky that it only set me back about $125 or so (it was so UGLY at the time that no one wanted it). I was soooo lucky that the tree tolerated my inexperience, survived, improved, and taught me more about styling, pot/tree combinations, growing and maintaining pines, etc., then ANY other tree I have had the pleasure to own. So, in the end... at the end of the journey together... even though it is unfortunate to lose such a beautiful tree, I feel lucky to have been it's caretaker for such a long time.
This one was in the path of the fallen oak tree, underneath a bench that had every tree sitting on it knocked off, but came through all right. It has survivors guilt… Gonna need some counseling :-).
That’s not funny!

So sorry!

Did you new acquisition make it unharmed?
I've been empathizing in my own little space and it keeps coming to my mind to make a funerary pyre of the fallen killer trees, Pile my destroyed bonsai (i.e., your red pine and others) atop. Pour myself some scotch, sprinkle a little on the dead bonsai, and then light it and drink to them whom I so loved.

The thought makes me feel better.
Do what you can.
Do what you must.

So this is Christmas :(
I've been empathizing in my own little space and it keeps coming to my mind to make a funerary pyre of the fallen killer trees, Pile my destroyed bonsai (i.e., your red pine and others) atop. Pour myself some scotch, sprinkle a little on the dead bonsai, and then light it and drink to them whom I so loved.

The thought makes me feel better.
Do what you can.
Do what you must.

So this is Christmas :(
Stay tuned… Between my latest fiasco and the war of attrition, I have enough bonsai carcasses in my yard to heat a home in Augusta Maine through most of January and February.
Stay tuned… Between my latest fiasco and the war of attrition, I have enough bonsai carcasses in my yard to heat a home in Augusta Maine through most of January and February.
Yeah, that Turface will do that... :cool::D:D:D

Seriously, last year we cleared 5 acres of white oak forest to make more pasture. We sold off the trees to pay for the work. Well...many if not most of them had some hollow in the trunk. Never would have known by looking at them. It’s just what they do.
Yeah, that Turface will do that... :cool::D:D:D

Seriously, last year we cleared 5 acres of white oak forest to make more pasture. We sold off the trees to pay for the work. Well...many if not most of them had some hollow in the trunk. Never would have known by looking at them. It’s just what they do.
For the record, this tree spent over 10 years in a turface based mix and did just fine. Started moving it to an akadama based mix 18 months ago... didn't last 2 yearso_O.
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