North Carolina Arboretum Bonsai Collection Trees

Martin Sweeney

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Waxhaw, NC
While at the 2007 Carolinas Bonsai Expo, I took pictures of some of the trees on display from the North Carolina Arboretum's Collection. I believe it is formally known as the Staples Collection, named after the family that donated the initial trees to the Arboretum, pushing the Arboretum into the Bonsai Collection business about 15 years ago. You can read more about the Collection at the following web address:

Anyway, here are some of the pictures I took. First is a fairly large Bald Cypress that I liked a lot. I liked the naturalness and feeling of serenity I felt when looking at it.



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Another picture. This is a very large Hinoki Cypress and Chinzan Azalea landscape planting on a faux rock. The "rock" is pretty close to 5'.



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    NCA Hinoki w Azalea.JPG
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Here is a picture of the best Eastern Red Cedar, Juniperus virginiana, I have ever seen. This tree is very tall, all of 4' and maybe more. It was donated to the Arboretum from a private collection. It actually had mature scaly foliage, over 1/2 was scales.



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    NCA Jun Virginiana.JPG
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This Mugho was voted Best in Show at one of the Carolinas Bonsai Expos a few years ago. My wife voted for it, yet somehow I failed to. I hope I have that backwards, but I doubt it. The owner donated it to the Arboretum at some point after it won.

Nice tree!

Just got called for supper. Yep, she has a good eye for trees, and cooks too!


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    NCA Mugo Pine.JPG
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This landscape planting entitled "Roan Mountain" demonstrates the direction the NC Arboretum Collection is taking in shaping its identity. The Arboretum is in the Southern Appalachian mountains, and the Collection is reflecting this. The real Roan Mountain is in North Carolina and has a 600 acre grove of rhododendrons. This planting seeks to recreate the grove in miniature. Don't know if it does as I have never been to Roan Mountain, but the planting is still very impressive.

More info concerning the direction the Collection is heading in can be found at: pp.20-25.pdf



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    NCA Roan Mountain Planting.JPG
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Last tree. It is a Pitch Pine. My understanding is that it was collected in Virginia and was in a private collection for many years before being donated to the Arboretum.

This tree demonstrates another theme to this Collection. American trees in American pots. The pot is by Robert Wallace, a North Carolina potter and bonsaiist.

If you have pictures of other trees from the NC Arboretum Collection, or know more about one of the trees I posted, please add what you have to this post.
Regards and thanks for looking,


  • NCA Pitch Pine.JPG
    NCA Pitch Pine.JPG
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This Mugho was voted Best in Show at one of the Carolinas Bonsai Expos a few years ago. My wife voted for it, yet somehow I failed to. I hope I have that backwards, but I doubt it. The owner donated it to the Arboretum at some point after it won.

If this tree was created from nursery stock, and it certainly looks like it, I would have to say it is the best specimen of such I have ever seen. The naturalness even with the multiple trunks is absolutely wonderful. The trunk movement and foliage pads are very natural and unconstrained. A beautiful tree with a possibly difficult subject. It shows a real mastery and artistry.

Thanks for posting it!
Does anyone (or the arboretum?) have any pictures on line of the trees in the greenhouse? dummy me, at the expo i spent so much time at the exhibit and the display that i completely forgot about going up to the greenhouse..... so sad.
I have some shots of the trees outside and around the greenhouse. I was by myself at the time and did not have access to the inside of the greenhouse. I'll post some of these this evening if you'd like. I was told they rotate the trees in the display area so when you visit the Arboretum you are likely to see some different trees everytime.
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