Of roots and chops....

Don't worry: you can still use your right hand to do the most importants things...

To use the concave cutter, I mean :D

PS: I hope this heals fast!
Smoke has a blog post where he does an eneven ground layer around a base like that.....I think you could ground layer that, throw it a wide basket, and let it grow.
Can't locate this....but interested....anyone (perhaps Smoke) know where this article is located?
Smoke has a blog post where he does an eneven ground layer around a base like that.....I think you could ground layer that, throw it a wide basket, and let it grow.
Can't locate this....but interested....anyone (perhaps Smoke) know where this article is located?

That bread looks soooo good too!


It was nice, pity I didn't get much of it.

Sorry to see that @Starfox .Good you got the Tetanus shot though.Reminded me that I need a booster.

Thanks, silly mistake to make really. I can't even remember the last time I had one, I didn't really have a say in the matter anyway.

Don't worry: you can still use your right hand to do the most importants things...

To use the concave cutter, I mean :D

PS: I hope this heals fast!

Thanks, definitely down to one hand for a while.
The sooner the better, I'm over it already.

Can't locate this....but interested....anyone (perhaps Smoke) know where this article is located?

I think it might be this one....
OK sorry about the sidetrack, back on it now. :)


It has potential to be a pretty good broom style. The cuts you drew would counter productive to making a broom, however.

From the looks of the branches, it has been pruned like you would a hedge. Sheared over the top, with little or no attention to the branch structure.

See how they seem to go every which way? If you were to go in, and selectively prune out the "crossing" branches, that is the ones that go from the outside of the canopy in towards the center, it would improve its appearance immensely!

Here's a picture of my shohin broom.

View attachment 96124

See how the branches all move from the inside of the canopy towards the outside? Make yours look like that.

Now for the nebari:

Your pot is the wrong shape. It needs to be substantially wider in all dimensions, but shallower. You don't want to force the roots to go "down", you want them to grow "out". Away from the trunk. With elms, they look best with relatively large (wide) but shallow pots.

Thanks for the reply, at first I was thinking along the same lines and was planning on doing just what you said above, the part in bold that is, but as you can see how tangled it is in there quite a bit would end up being removed. I think.
I was also worried a bit about where the trunk splits not looking natural enough, some of that needs to be removed and it would possibly create some large gaps so I figured it is a good as time as any to put a new vision for it and my own touches.

With all that said and seeing the pic of your tree I'm starting to think that I may of been a bit hasty in trying to change things and maybe a good clean out is a start.

Also yes about the pot, I do have a slightly bigger pot and it may even be shallower too but it may not be as large as you are suggesting. That is also why I wanted to change the orientation of the tree so the roots had more space. I didn't want to so much force the roots down just so it sits a little lower in the pot but that should come slightly when trying to let them grow out.

I agree, this could become a nice broom.
Unless you really dislike broomlook i would follow adairs suggestion.
I just wonder, If you do chop it whats your vision with this tree, how are you thinking of designing this tree?

I'm not adverse to a broom look as such so I can run with it but another reason is as the tree dropped it's leaves this sweeping trunk has stood out more and more and I do like it too.
The pic below is somewhat along the lines of what I was thinking although I know it would take a few years for it to even resemble anything like that so maybe I am needlessly setting myself behind.(not thought of that until just now)
Also it would of been better if that is how the tree was started out anyway.

I waited if somebody can see a good broom in this tree. And I can't agree more with Adair.
I like the second picture (from the post with all 4 views), where the tree trunk flows to the right and the nebari is widest. Yes there's too many branches and are grown chaoticaly. But they don't cause reverse taper, that is good. You can just select those that you want to keep and reduce their length for branch taper, movement and ramification. If you want.

Well I can see that too, as said I like that second view as well.

I'm nearly convinced now on the broom look, I'll have to spend a little more time with the tree because I tossed that idea out a while ago so need to consider it again.
Thankfully or not so much, I can't do a great deal at the moment so I have a bit more time to dwell on it.
Buds are swelling more and more though.
OK sorry about the sidetrack, back on it now. :)

Thanks for the reply, at first I was thinking along the same lines and was planning on doing just what you said above, the part in bold that is, but as you can see how tangled it is in there quite a bit would end up being removed. I think.
I was also worried a bit about where the trunk splits not looking natural enough, some of that needs to be removed and it would possibly create some large gaps so I figured it is a good as time as any to put a new vision for it and my own touches.

With all that said and seeing the pic of your tree I'm starting to think that I may of been a bit hasty in trying to change things and maybe a good clean out is a start.

Also yes about the pot, I do have a slightly bigger pot and it may even be shallower too but it may not be as large as you are suggesting. That is also why I wanted to change the orientation of the tree so the roots had more space. I didn't want to so much force the roots down just so it sits a little lower in the pot but that should come slightly when trying to let them grow out.

I'm not adverse to a broom look as such so I can run with it but another reason is as the tree dropped it's leaves this sweeping trunk has stood out more and more and I do like it too.
The pic below is somewhat along the lines of what I was thinking although I know it would take a few years for it to even resemble anything like that so maybe I am needlessly setting myself behind.(not thought of that until just now)
Also it would of been better if that is how the tree was started out anyway.

Well I can see that too, as said I like that second view as well.

I'm nearly convinced now on the broom look, I'll have to spend a little more time with the tree because I tossed that idea out a while ago so need to consider it again.
Thankfully or not so much, I can't do a great deal at the moment so I have a bit more time to dwell on it.
Buds are swelling more and more though.
The problem is, your trunk looks nothing like your drawing! If that's what you want, choose a different trunk.

Check out these developmental pictures of Mr Ebihara's broom. You can see he cut it back very hard!


And it looks like he put it in a large grow box to let the nebari spread.
Well that is true mostly about the trunk, I just grabbed that pic from google images as it would be along that sort of theme but not as high or as many curves.
What my trunk would look like if I chopped the straight extension off the right side would be similar to this(not as nice) as one side of the trunk split has a nice curve and the other continues straight on...

natural apex natural style-lnew.jpg

Still I do totally get what you are saying, just trying to clarify my thought process. I'm not saying it's a great idea but really just need to talk it through I think which is great because I can take on board what you are saying and see that it makes much more sense than my idea and would leave me with an almost satisfyingly immediate improvement, and I think that is where I need to look instead of overthinking things.
you know, whatever you do with it. just make sure yourself are confortable with it, thats the most important thing,
you can first start with cleaning upr branches which you dont need whichever direction you take it, maybe during this it will become more clear what you want yourself
That really does seem like the best approach, having a look at it last night I had the same thought. There is an awful lot to clean out I think but just that will improve things so we shall see.

Also taken on board Adairs larger pot suggestion although somehow one 12 euro pot has become a 300 euro order of mainly Australian native garden plants and a sequoia forest. Not sure how that happened.
Hopefully Madame Starfox will approve and I can order it tonight.
Check out these developmental pictures of Mr Ebihara's broom. You can see he cut it back very hard!

View attachment 96242

And it looks like he put it in a large grow box to let the nebari spread.
could you tell me once which book/magazine this actually comes from? i assume kinbon or bonsai sekai but which year/month? i tried to find it once but there are so many its difficult to find it.
could you tell me once which book/magazine this actually comes from? i assume kinbon or bonsai sekai but which year/month? i tried to find it once but there are so many its difficult to find it.
Sorry, I don't know. It was Boon's magazine, I took a couple of pictures with my iPhone. It's rather old.
Sorry, I don't know. It was Boon's magazine, I took a couple of pictures with my iPhone. It's rather old.
Ok, no prob, let me know if you happen to find out
Hopefully Madame Starfox will approve and I can order it tonight

If you intend to ground layer it.....
Which...."buy a trunk and nebari"
Should happen first.....

Buy Madame Starfox something nice now, throw it in a colander/box, and you'll be good to go all around by the time you need a pot!

Wide! Wide! Wide!

Skip a pot till you know what the tree will look like!

Just don't......skip the pot!;)

G'dia....."Handyman!" lol!

I don't think I will ground layer it, at least not yet. I have plenty to do so don't want to complicate things much more.

The madame got her orange and lemon trees despite my protestations that they aren't Australian natives, lol.

Anyway an update...
All I have done so far is start cleaning out the branches, there are probably a few more branches and stuff to go if I was to leave it like that. I think it looks better like this anyway and I guess I could just tidy it up or continue chopping.


It goes around more behind my thumb, strqight down to the bone.
Ouch; glad you're all stitched up!
I did one like that once while washing a drinking glass - It was soapy, so I was squeezing it pretty hard to avoid dropping it - too hard it turned out, and i crushed it right in my hand. The resulting pieces sliced the webbing between my thumb and index finger completely open. Take it easy - those flexible bits take time to heal.

You can see the structure!

It looks good!


Yeah it took a bit of work to find it but the bones have grown on me, at least I can see in there now.

Ouch; glad you're all stitched up!
I did one like that once while washing a drinking glass - It was soapy, so I was squeezing it pretty hard to avoid dropping it - too hard it turned out, and i crushed it right in my hand. The resulting pieces sliced the webbing between my thumb and index finger completely open. Take it easy - those flexible bits take time to heal.

Thanks, stitches came out today, a bit overdue though some of them took some pulling and one had a touch of puss so she squeezed the crap out of it and sent me on my way and that was it, not even any anti biotics so I trust their judgement it will be fine.
Still hurts like hell though and can't do any heavy work yet but getting better every day.
Your story made me wince a little, I can just picture it now, ergh. Definitely will take it easy for a bit longer, luckily spring seems to be holding off for a bit longer so I can put a few things to one side.
Well I gave it a repot today, first time I have done that on any tree and it went well enough but not without minor problems as well.
I'm fairly sure that right in under the roots and trunk it had been packed with something most likely to encourage the nebari but I'll be damned if I could get in there.
I was probably being over cautious but under the trunk is solid roots and something else, in the end I didn't force it and figured it best not to go overboard. I did take a saw to it to take nearly an inch off just after trimming so it would sit a little lower in the pot. This I will need to fix properly next repot I guess because it annoys me.
Also I stuffed up the positioning.

Still it is what it is and hopefully I haven't killed it.



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