Super Shots

Excellent tool Walter...thanks for sharing!
awesome trees.. and nice effect on that page

I have been playing around with picasa for a couple of days now. How do you post a gallery (folder/album) on the net?

I have exported both files and albums but the pages can only be viewed from my own computer. When viewed from a posted link, an error message comes up :( Any suggestions?

Is there anyone else using Picasa?

I have been playing around with picasa for a couple of days now. How do you post a gallery (folder/album) on the net?

I have exported both files and albums but the pages can only be viewed from my own computer. When viewed from a posted link, an error message comes up :( Any suggestions?

Is there anyone else using Picasa?

After exporting the files to a local folder on your computer you then have to take these "exported" files generated by Picasa and upload them to a web server. There are many options with regards to web hosting services... I'll end here.

Good luck.
There are many options with regards to web hosting services... I'll end here.

Good luck.
... could you be a little more specific? I have sent my albums to picasa online, but would like to display them in "highslide" vice the present format. Browse the link in my sig and view gallery from the main page to see what I mean. That is the best I could do at the moment. All help will be greatly appreciated.
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I'm sorry. I thought you were just selecting the "export as html page" option which allows you to select a template which could be a highslide template (That can be found on the internet with a google search). Then you can upload these generated files to your web server for viewing. I guess you're using the "Upload web album" option which requires setting up a web albums account with picasa. If you're looking to do something like Mr. Pall it will probably require a little more technical work on your end. I don't have a picasa web album account so I'm not sure about the options there.

If you use the free picasa web albums account highslide might not be an option. Mr. Pall is hosting his own files so he has more flexibility with presenting the gallery. I think he is just using picasa to help generate the html files for him which he then may have to do a little work to get the highslide template in place and then upload these files to his server.

Maybe Mr. Pall will chime in with details to help clarify.
Thanks cray13, I went through Picasa web albums and there is not much that can be done from there.

Maybe Mr. Pall will chime in with details to help clarify.

... and that is why I am asking Walter. I know he is hosting his own website, but when he originally introduced us to Picasa and highslide, he was still on his old website. I presumed one can just uplink.

what you do is the following:
1) Install Picasa for free, let Picasa run over your image files
2) Install highslide, the original version, or better the one from Highslide JS, free for non-commercial use
3) select a file in Picasa for the template, click 'edit' 'select all' and then 'folder' 'export as HTML' You then immediately see the result on your browser and can check whether this is what you want. If you don't seee it on your browser, you go to 'Picasa exports' find your template, click 'open under xy-browser' and then you will find some text. Then click onto 'index' and here we are. So far this thing is only on your computer.
4) To make this visible to the world you have to have a web-site. With any FTP program you load the fileld template onto your web-site and give it a name there. Thsi cold also be any google or similar website under your name. Now it shold be visible. Go to your website like
http://mywebsite/newtemplatename and you should see it. If not, push the refresh button of your browser.
5) Write the link her so we can all see what you were struggling with.
6) to enhance the whole thing go to google 'Higslide JS' and load the general version. Then go to your Picasa file and write a header for your file and some captions for the picutures. The results should be like this:


what you do is the following:
1) Install Picasa for free, let Picasa run over your image files
2) Install highslide, the original version, or better the one from Highslide JS, free for non-commercial use
3) select a file in Picasa for the template, click 'edit' 'select all' and then 'folder' 'export as HTML' You then immediately see the result on your browser and can check whether this is what you want. If you don't seee it on your browser, you go to 'Picasa exports' find your template, click 'open under xy-browser' and then you will find some text. Then click onto 'index' and here we are. So far this thing is only on your computer.
4) To make this visible to the world you have to have a web-site. With any FTP program you load the fileld template onto your web-site and give it a name there. Thsi cold also be any google or similar website under your name. Now it shold be visible. Go to your website like
http://mywebsite/newtemplatename and you should see it. If not, push the refresh button of your browser.
5) Write the link her so we can all see what you were struggling with.
6) to enhance the whole thing go to google 'Higslide JS' and load the general version. Then go to your Picasa file and write a header for your file and some captions for the picutures. The results should be like this:


Thanks Walter!

1,2,3) done
4) did not have FTP on computer but is now installed.

I have to do some reading. Can these galleries be uploaded to my blogger? (link in sig) or do I need a website?

Website address is:

I do not wish to use the website as my main site, as it does not give me the flexibility blogger does. I know I will be able to provide a link in blogger, and that is perhaps all I want/may need to do (use the website as storage, more or less).

At present I am using Picasa web albums, but I would prefer to be able to use highslide for tree progressions etc... similar to what you demonstrated to us when we got introduced to this little free marvel:)

I have never uploaded a template onto my blog. I just tried and could not figure out whether I could do it directly. But you certainbly can upload your template onto any website and then connect this on your blog with URL.
Thanks a bunch Walter. Now I know where I am going. I didn't think blogger supported it, but free servers do (that's where I got the info on FTP.

I'll use the website as storage as I don't like its functionality, then linking to the blog as you mentioned should be a piece of cake. I'll give it a whirl and post the results.
Thanks to all for your help. I finally got it figured out. Unfortunately it will not work with free hosting.

At this point in time I will continue on my present course, as the functionality is far superior IMO. Should some day I find a suitable template for a website and decide to take the plunge, I will be better informed. I cannot see any reason to pay for web space just to host photographs.
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