The artist formerly known as....

Rusty Harris

Reaction score
China Grove, N. Carolina
Hello everyone. I would like to briefly announce that I will no longer be using the handle "insee", but will be posting under my real name. I would also like to thank Greg, the headNut, for making quick work of my request for this change.
Hello everyone. I would like to briefly announce that I will no longer be using the handle "insee", but will be posting under my real name. I would also like to thank Greg, the headNut, for making quick work of my request for this change.

Glad that Greg can work the keys and make it happen for you....
And I will welcome you as always no matter the handle you go by!
RUSTY!!!:eek: LOL how ya doin man. just wanted to say "Hey!":D
Hello everyone. I would like to briefly announce that I will no longer be using the handle "insee", but will be posting under my real name. I would also like to thank Greg, the headNut, for making quick work of my request for this change.

Nice to meet you Rusty.


How 'bout ya bud!


Hey, hey, How 'bout yourself there Martin. I hate I missed last club meeting, but will be there next month for the Expo tree selection. I have no trees, yet, that I feel will make the cut, yet I will bring some good eats. See ya there.
Hey Rusty! I am looking forward to seeing your progress on Bald Cypress, yes?
Hey Rusty! I am looking forward to seeing your progress on Bald Cypress, yes?

For sure Chris. I love me some bald cypress, dang!
But seriously, yes, I have a few baldies I have been working on for a few years and really should bite the bullet and maybe share some pics.
You've changed your computer handle to your real name. Funny, I was just thinking of changing my real name to my computer name.

AKA Bonsai Barry
SOoooo.. where's the nifty symbol to accompany the name change? :)
Yes, so nice to meet you Mr. Rusty..


For those of you with the courage to do the right and honorable thing I congratulate you on taking a step in re-establishing civility on the bonsai forums. I have always felt that it was a cowardly thing to hide behind a pseudonym while taking pot shots at another with impunity. I believe that if profanity was allowed here there would be some that would not hesitate to say the most vile things imaginable as long as they could not be identified and held accountable by those that really know them. When one is identified with their real name there is the concept of one's family and reputation associated with what they do and say. Of course there are some, that things like this don't matter.
For those of you with the courage to do the right and honorable thing I congratulate you on taking a step in re-establishing civility on the bonsai forums. I have always felt that it was a cowardly thing to hide behind a pseudonym while taking pot shots at another with impunity. I believe that if profanity was allowed here there would be some that would not hesitate to say the most vile things imaginable as long as they could not be identified and held accountable by those that really know them. When one is identified with their real name there is the concept of one's family and reputation associated with what they do and say. Of course there are some, that things like this don't matter.

I have actually been thinking of asking Greg to let me go to using Bonsaikc. Everything you say is true, Vance, if one's identity is actually shielded. If the moniker is one you have used for years and everyone knows who you are, I don't see that as a problem at all.
For those of you with the courage to do the right and honorable thing I congratulate you on taking a step in re-establishing civility on the bonsai forums. I have always felt that it was a cowardly thing to hide behind a pseudonym while taking pot shots at another with impunity. I believe that if profanity was allowed here there would be some that would not hesitate to say the most vile things imaginable as long as they could not be identified and held accountable by those that really know them. When one is identified with their real name there is the concept of one's family and reputation associated with what they do and say. Of course there are some, that things like this don't matter.

Thank you Vance.
I mainly changed it for the benefit of the the folks I have met personally, and for those I may meet in the future. Plus all the pseudonyms only serve to confuse and disguise. More confusion than hiding if you ask me. Lets just say I met someone in the future and wish to discuss something we had both saw or read online, " Hey, doesn't that tree belong to bonsaidudeguy, I saw him post it on (insert forum name). " "No no, that belongs to bonsaiguydude on forum X, who also calls himself treeslasher on forum Y, and goes by NN&N (No Name Necessary) on forum Z " "So, what's his real name?" "I dunno"

So to avoid that confusion, and to get my name out there, and maybe, just maybe, to keep my opinions a little more in check, I wish to be recognized and called by my real name. Won't my Mother be proud!
For those of you with the courage to do the right and honorable thing I congratulate you on taking a step in re-establishing civility on the bonsai forums. I have always felt that it was a cowardly thing to hide behind a pseudonym while taking pot shots at another with impunity.

I dunno, I kinda feel that to call people by a name they have chosen for themselves is the "right and honorable" thing to do. To me internetforums aren't that different from real life, an ass is an ass regardless if that ass is called John, Janet or JumpingUpAndDown...

/Emil Brännström
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