Transplanting Crab Apple Bonsai

I applaud your effort and willingness to share. If I could offer a few critiques. You defeated the purpose of planting on tiles by putting so much soil on top of them. When planting on tiles, you only want about an inch of soil on top of the tile and then a small layer of mulch to keep moisture in. Second, you don't want to use pure bonsai soil when planting in the ground. Use good garden soil, add some compost for nutrients and perlite/pumice/lava to keep the soil open. Third, planting crabapples near your house is not ideal, unless it's along the south side, because they need full sun.

Keep up the effort.
I applaud your effort and willingness to share. If I could offer a few critiques. You defeated the purpose of planting on tiles by putting so much soil on top of them. When planting on tiles, you only want about an inch of soil on top of the tile and then a small layer of mulch to keep moisture in. Second, you don't want to use pure bonsai soil when planting in the ground. Use good garden soil, add some compost for nutrients and perlite/pumice/lava to keep the soil open. Third, planting crabapples near your house is not ideal, unless it's along the south side, because they need full sun.

Keep up the effort.

Well said.
Thanks for the feedback Stan.

My logic was that they should get some shade after being transplanted - can crabs go straight to full sun ?
Thanks for the feedback Stan.

My logic was that they should get some shade after being transplanted - can crabs go straight to full sun ?

I have two Dolgo Crabs(8 foot) that I am growing in huge containers a few seasons now and here and at my old house they have always been in full sun and do well. Mine are not on tiles though and I just water them twice a day during growing season. Yours are on tiles in smaller containers so I would leave them in sun and perhaps cover the top layer of substrate with lava rock to help keep them cooler.

I have two Dolgo Crabs(8 foot) that I am growing in huge containers a few seasons now and here and at my old house they have always been in full sun and do well. Mine are not on tiles though and I just water them twice a day during growing season. Yours are on tiles in smaller containers so I would leave them in sun and perhaps cover the top layer of substrate with lava rock to help keep them cooler.


Hey Grim,
Once they've grown that large, do you plan to trunk chop and style from there ?
Hey Grim,
Once they've grown that large, do you plan to trunk chop and style from there ?

Yes or air layer. The problem with Dolgo is they are a very slender tree so in order for me to get them proper I am growing them and working on ramification for a few years before the air layer or chop. They are doing better then I thought so the 10 years or so should be worth it. :D

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