Trident Maple seeds


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Mooresville, NC - USA
Hello all. I have had about 100 trident maple seeds in the fridge for about 75 days now. The chance of freezing is over i think. I hope anyway. Should i go ahead and put them out? They are in 1" (flats). With 72 per sheet. Should i go ahead and put them outside, and just keep watered, or should they be buried in the ground? or should they stay in the fridge until they start sprouting? Thanks for any help.
This is my second year planing out tridents. I think you are ready to plant now. If there is a freeze in the forecast throw some plastic or a sheet over your seedbed so the don't freeze.

You don't need to bury them. Scatter on the surface and just cover a little bit, like 1/8 of an inch of soil. Just enough to keep them in contact with the soil. Keep them moist but not soaked. They will sprout in a few weeks. I have a lot coming up now and planted out about 2 weeks ago. But we have been having mid 70's. I would also encourage you to research "seedling wilt" as I lost a lot last year to this, almost half! Some said it was because they were crowded in the seedbed, or were too damp. Some say there is nothing you can do to stop it other than fungicide, while others said spaying won't help. I will be spraying them soon!
Should i keep them in the little 1" holders in the flats. Looks like something that came from lowes or hd. they are about 1" square, and about 2" deep. i dug up one of the seeds, and it was about 1/2" down. there are 72 little squares in each sheet with a type of potting soil. Should i let them sprout in these, then plant, or take each seed out and plant seperately. I am getting a bed ready in the next week or so. When i do plant is 12" - 16 apart far enough? Thanks for the feedback.
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