What this years bonsai money bought this year.

Reminds me of a post by a friend of me, which surprised me; Do no all legal residents in the country get a voting certificate?

View attachment 335152

Didn't see that anyone responded to this.
In the US there are no voter IDs, no national requirement for a ballot certificate or receipt, though some areas do. It's surprisingly easy to commit voter fraud on the ground level, the only common safeguards coming in the way the ballots are moved, processed and counted. This system has historically been very effective, but I'm not so convinced any more.
Is this achieving desired results? (Not a smart-ass comment.. actually curious)
Just 7 cases yesterday according to googlebot/

I think that would be 7 cases in the entire country and most of those returning travelers. I believe Melbourne had 2 new cases yesterday and the 14 day average is 7.5 for the city and 0.5 for regional Victoria. 12 people in hospital here with Covid and none in intensive care.

How does that compare with the rest of the world?
I think that would be 7 cases in the entire country and most of those returning travelers. I believe Melbourne had 2 new cases yesterday and the 14 day average is 7.5 for the city and 0.5 for regional Victoria. 12 people in hospital here with Covid and none in intensive care.

How does that compare with the rest of the world?
That is wonderful! 🤓
There is more than 7 cases in my “3000 or so”-person town!

If whatever strategies for containment/prevention/control are in place THERE could be mirrored for 12 weeks EVERYWHERE else....

I’d GLADLY sacrifice “a little more” for 12 weeks if it meant a positive outcome...
Germany’s numbers are on the up again. Honestly this pandemic terrifies me, I don’t have a fear of infection but my anxiety levels go way up if I let myself stop and look at how this is impacting everyones lives globally. Even those fortune to stay healthy and not loose anyone to it end up being affected in other ways like unemployment or involuntary severely reduced work hours etc..economies everywhere taking a huge hit.

I can’t even imagine what life will be like if this thing ever goes away, could be years but one thing is for sure. Things will never be the same definition of ”normal” as they were before all this started.
. Things will never be the same definition of ”normal” as they were before all this started.
Absolutely... the very foundation of this idea has been gravely altered by 2020.... the entire STRUCTURE of “the way things were”... is obsolete...

If things calm down, they definitely will not be recognizable. (I think)
Absolutely... the very foundation of this idea has been gravely altered by 2020.... the entire STRUCTURE of “the way things were”... is obsolete...

If things calm down, they definitely will not be recognizable. (I think)
Yeah and I fear what that new normal will look like as much as I fear all the current disruption.
I am speaking here as a combat veteran, and a supporter of the PURPOSE of the the 2nd amendment to the US constitution.

I suppose the easiest way to get my views across are my feelings on one aspect of it. Here in Colorado we are what's known as an open carry state. For those unfamiliar, that means that it's illegal to carry a concealed firearm, but it's fine if it's out in the open for everyone to see.
In my opinion, you absolutely have the right to open carry, but I find it incredibly rude. Does that make sense to everyone?
To compare, the 1st amendment protects the right to free speech. However, walking around in a t-shirt that says, "F**k You," is not considered protected free speech because it has no purpose but to cause pain to others.

I feel the same way about guns. You have the right, but that doesn't mean you have the brains. Example: once while I was in the military, and away on 72 hour on call shift, our home was broken into in the middle of the night while my family was at home. Nothing awful, just a back door left unlocked. Yet my wife, who was never before interested in guns, insisted on getting one in case it happened again and wasn't so benign. She shopped around, and settled on a little .22 caliber hand gun. Barely enough power to kill a squirrel, and she got allot of sidelong looks from the dealer as she paid for the thing, and recommendations for something much bigger and more powerful. He answer, which I fully supported even after a tour in Iraq, was, "if I'm not comfortable using it, I won't use it when it's the right time." Take to heart the, "right time," part.

Don't buy gun unless you are confident in your ability to use it for it's intended purpose. It's intended purpose IS NOT intimidation. You, and others, are more likely to be safe with a tiny pop gun that you're educated on than a cannon you think will scare someone off. Fear is the least reliable emotion of all. You never know what will happen when fear is involved.
In my opinion they are cowards, but there seem to be a lot of people who believe they have a “god given right” to ignorantly endanger innocent people with their military style weapons. Why any god would want people to use automatic weapons against other people is beyond my comprehension.
Military style weapons. What’s that? Revolvers, bolt action rifles and shotguns were all used by the military and many still are. Maybe you mean black rifles where their cosmetic features make them more user friendly to all people, not just the military.

Not one pic of or arm mentioned in this thread is automatic. Us commoners don’t have “automatic” weapons. Only military, maybe some police and criminals have those. Their use in actual crime is so low as to be negligible. Automatic weapons are highly regulated, tracked and the entry point for ownership starts at about $15000+ for junk.
I will make a call RIGHT NOW to keep the conversation civil.

It is both a difficult and necessary conversation.

There are no right answers, or right sides. Fear is powerful and unpredictable thing, and to some questions there are no clear answers.

I'm so far happy to see people engaging in a civil and humane manor.
Things will never be the same definition of ”normal” as they were before all this started.
Nope. But then again.. The only constant in life is continuous change.
It does provide an opportunity to rethink our production systems, rethink the need to be in an office to work, get rid of some commuters challenges etcetc. Maybe that 50ct T-shirt from the phillipines was not such a great idea, and we should start producing t-shirts locally again?
I think that would be 7 cases in the entire country and most of those returning travelers. I believe Melbourne had 2 new cases yesterday and the 14 day average is 7.5 for the city and 0.5 for regional Victoria. 12 people in hospital here with Covid and none in intensive care.

How does that compare with the rest of the world?

Thanks for the clarification, as said I was in a rush but knew it wasn't many.

But that highlights it, lock downs work.
It was working throughout most of Europe too until that damn June meeting when they had decided that we have to live with it and opened everything up. So we go from a 3 month lock down which got us down to single figure numbers to today where we have record numbers of cases, 10,000+ (can't give current details because Spain doesn't work on the weekends :rolleyes:) and a couple hundred deaths a day. The EU in this instance has failed it's citizens, I'd expect no less from Spain but naively figured the EU were the grown ups in the room. Can't wait to get out frankly.

Sorry Mike for going OT but in a round about way it's all kind of related. At least we don't have to arm ourselves to protect our loved ones, which I can understand somewhat but some might say that money may be better spent on an airfare. But of course nothing is that simple, you know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-you's. And, uh, lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands to keep in an old Duder's head.
I think most of you know that I seldom use profanity, and never online, but this is a fucked up thread.
It is at its basic level fearmongering.
Fear is the cause of hate and intolerance.
I won't be a party to fostering or spreading fear.

As a side note, I don't object to ownership of guns. I have some and I used to have several. Then I grew up a bit but still have a ways to go.
Say what you will, there is no such thing as changing minds. That comes from within. I will not open this thread again.
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