When to do what in San diego


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San Diego
So I have been doing mucho research trying to find the right times to work on my trees/bushes. Living in San Diego we don't have very drastic weather change for seasons so I'm a little confused when to do what. Trees in question would be juniper procumbens nana and juniper chineses. Any help would be much appreciated. TIA.
I beleive, in San Diego, you do it somewhere between surfing and sun bathing.

Seriously though, I shouldn't have hacked 6 up in the past month, but I did. You could Probly get away with it there.

Just leave as much foilage on as you can.


Hahaha right! Thanks for the advise! And I will get some pics up just as soon as I can figure out how.
I would find a local club and join. They would be best able to answer this question.

I am in NY and I have no idea what you can do when in San Diego with regard to bonsai nor can anyone else unless they live or have lived in your area and I would be cautious taking advice from anyone who does not have that experience.

A member here that goes by the name of Smoke is the best person here I can think of that can answer your question. If I recall correctly, he is in south Cali.
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You bet. Planning on joining my local club. Thing is they don't meet till nov. I believe. Just eager to repot mainly and get them out of nursery soil and into some good soil.
With the weather we have been having.... yikes! Hottest summer that I can remember - many of my trees are showing heat stress and I have had to move a number into full shade.

I wouldn't do ANYTHING until cooler temps arrive.
Ah yes Mr Nut also lives in so cali. He is another good source of advice for your area.
Awsome thanks for all the advice. This weather we are having really is out of the norm. So far everything I have is fairing well...all but large black pine are under shade cloth.
I need a Cali burrito dammit. Lolita's. I lived in sd from birth to 28 years old and the thing I miss the most is the Mexican food. Granted Texas has ridiculous bbq, Tex Mex SUCKS. Almost as much as the Padres.
You are in luck go to the San Diego Bonsai Club website and you will find info on an exhibition THIS weekend. Make contact, talk bonsai and find a mentor.
Would this also include repotting?

Please refer to the Hot climates advice.

I am fully in the style during hot growing months. But Paradox is right, ask them fellers!

Whoa! Mister Nut,where have you been.
Been missing you on here.

Been either (1) in my pool (2) at the beach or (3) somewhere air-conditioned :)

Seriously it has been that hot... I have been afraid to touch my trees right now with the weather so bad.
California language is difficult to understand!

I'm glad it's hot there! Real hot!


San Diego has a great club, and yeah, you're in luck. Their fall show is this weekend. In Southern California, you can work on a lot of trees year round, especially junipers, but don't do any root work for a while, and during these crazy late season heat waves, just make sure they aren't drying out. Watering has been keeping me very busy this month. I haven't really been able to do anything else.
Thank you everyone for all the help. It is a bit overwhelming the amount of info that is out there and trying to deciffer a which bit applies to my location. I have been looking into getting some plant and tree horticulture books to do some studying on more the inner workings of everything and why what does what, any recommendations? TIA!
Sorry for the rapid fire post but if I am understanding correctly is the times to work on plants more related to growing seasons and ambient temp.
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