
  1. W

    Storm Damaged Blueberry

    Back in April, I purchased a pair of blueberry bushes (trees). One because my wife wanted a blueberry bush and the other because I wanted to "bonsai" a blueberry. All has went well and we got a massive crop of blueberries from both of these bushes. My plan was to just leave mine alone until this...
  2. M

    Rhododendron complexum as bonsai

    Hello, While picking up cuttings of various azaleas yesterday I noticed a plant labeled "Rhododendron Complexum". I liked the leaves shape and color and took few cuttings to try to make them root. Later I start looking around for posts about growing Complexum as a bonsai and coudn't find...
  3. BonsaiLoudon

    Propagation Strategy Tips

    This is my first growing season in Bonsai and something I'd like to become proficient at as soon as possible is propagation. Turning 1 of my trees into 5 new seedlings for free sounds like a great way to have plenty of trees to work with for the next few decades. Unfortunately, my efforts so...
  4. Bonsilot

    Possible to root a cutting from a large Pyracantha branch?

    Is it likely that I can propagate this Pyracantha by taking these two large branches as cuttings? I've successfully taken cuttings of a similar size from an olive. But I'm not sure how comparable a Pyracantha is/how easily they root.
  5. Carapace

    How to propagate Coast Redwoods?

    Hi guys, I recently got 10 little coast redwood seedlings and I wanted to know what the best way to propagate them is, cuttings? air layers? ground layers? These are really rare and expensive (the transport is really) plants over here and I want to multiply them to give them to my friends. If...
  6. T

    Yoshino cherry - good for shohin?

    I have a couple young-ish Yoshino cherry trees (Prunus × yedoensis) that were planted in my yard last spring and I am planning to take some hardwood cuttings sometime in the next few weeks before the buds open. How suitable are these trees are for the shohin size class? I can't find much...
  7. Bonsilot

    Help Rooting Olive Cuttings

    Yesterday I removed several thick cuttings from my European Olive because I'm removing a branch. I've potted them up in a mix of about 50/50 potting soil and pumice. The containers all have drainage holes in the bottom and sides. I trimmed much of the foliage, covered the major cuts with putty...
  8. B

    Tropical Storm Hilary and Bougainvillea Propagation

    Last weekend, tropical storm Hilary blew through my area and knocked over my two 15ft Bougainvilleas (they were overgrown and the trellis was very old). While cutting it down so it wouldn't hang in the pool, I obviously decided to save the best for rooting. It was a really beautiful plant so I...
  9. Apex37

    Brown Spot on Japanese Holly Cuttings

    Just curious if anyone has insight as to what might be going on here. Probably a very basic question with a lot of possibilities, but I’m still trying to nail down propagation. I have these guys in pure perlite and noticed some are browning on leaves. Moisture looks to be fine, but maybe they’re...
  10. Baku1875

    Baku's consolidated bougainvilleas progression thread

    Consolidating all my bougies into 1 thread so it's easier to update and easier for people to view and comment on these projects, and so it doesn't look like I'm spamming too much because I'm procuring a lot of bougies in the past few weeks (more to come as well), fast approaching 20! (now around...
  11. Baku1875

    Chunky Bougie cutting 1

    I'm lucky enough to have my neighbor's permission to pole saw large branches of overgrown bougainvillea that cross into my yard (it's jumbled up with 3 other trees and is an eyesore, he gave me the green light to prune the other trees back and let the bougainvillea grow, as well as pruning...
  12. K

    Update on Satsuki Cuttings

    Hi all. I recently posted a thread asking some questions about Satsuki cuttings, in which I received a ton of helpful advice from experienced growers. Yesterday and today, I have been separating the cuttings from their pots and giving them their own pots, making sure not to disturb the root...
  13. B

    Damaged seedling re rooted - now what?

    A squirrel chomped half a dozen of my Japanese Maple seedlings in July. In a panic, I put them in a clear shoebox sized tote I was using to grow moss (sphagnum and harvested from a rock). I had 0 expectations of success, and to my surprise one vigorously rooted! The roots are sandwiched between...
  14. K

    Questions about Satsuki cuttings

    Hi all, I've got a few questions about cuttings from Satsuki Azaleas. This is my 2nd year of developing bonsai, and Satsuki's have definitely grown to be my favourite. I've took cuttings from every pruning I've done, and I've got a few questions about said cuttings. Below are a few photos of...
  15. B

    Maple cuttings failing in propagation box, user error?

    Hi, I'm relatively new to propagating maple cuttings and need some more experienced advice. My Japanese maple cuttings last summer dried out while under the deck. Even after misting half a dozen times a day, the high heat, humidity, and wind won. This year I tried a clear tote propagation...
  16. Rivian

    Irritated by azalea

    Two evergreen azalea cuttings. Thinn layer of bark came off during Winter, all around one of them and cracked on the other. As I understand azalea, surely thats terminal? But now theyre both actively growing and producing a small flower or two and shoots. I have the Galle book, and he does say...
  17. Fishtank307

    Triple trunk field elm from cuttings

    Hi! I wanted to share this little project I've been working on the past 3 years. In the fall of 2019 I took a bunch of cuttings from a field elm. The following year I made 2 clump-style plantings. One multi-trunk planting (of which only 3 survived...) and one triple trunk planting. The process...
  18. Rivian

    Cuttings and rooting hormone

    Ive got various cuttings started, but didnt use any rooting hormone. Im not going to pull them out again but I could mix clonex with water and either stand them in that for a while or water them with it from above. Latter might be less wasteful. I just dont know if using clonex (from last year)...
  19. S

    Propagating Cherry Blossom Cuttings

    Hi, I was watching a video and i'm confused on which method i should do, currently i have the cuttings like this, should i put them in soil instead?
  20. B

    Brazilian Rain Tree questions

    Hi, I got this Brazilian Rain Tree cutting a little more than a year ago thanks to @leatherback . It was a rocky start as it got stuck at the post office for 2 extra weeks and when I received it, all leaves were gone. This tree is does not seem to be possible to buy here in Sweden so I felt very...
  21. Scrogdor

    Transplanting water cutting to soil

    Was messing around with my tiger bark ficus and decided to try and root a clipping. Had it in a shot glass wrapped in foil for about 5 weeks. Moved it to this glass for some more room. How long do the roots need to be before I transplant this into a small pot? I would say these ones about...
  22. Viridian Bonsai

    Cold Hardy Bonsai in Zone 3-4

    Hello everyone, So I have started really getting into bonsai this year. I do have some trees I began training/growing out to thicken 2 years ago: 2 shimpaku and 1 Blue Point chinensis. I will list the species I have and am starting from seed to ask their suitability as bonsai in this cold...
  23. Apex37

    Tiger Bark Ficus Cuttings Progression

    I took these cuttings from my very first bonsai that was gifted to me by my late mother-in-law. Lemme tell you, after she passed, the stress was real to take care of that tree. Luckily, ficus are crazy hardy as we all know, and even with me poorly overwintering it (due to ignorance before really...
  24. ochong

    White Chojubai

    This is one of 11 plants (7 Chaenomeles) I picked up from Evergreen Gardenworks this spring. It's grown well and did great with a repot a couple of months back and has just flowered on the old wood from the cutting. This seems late in the year as I thought quince tend to flower in late winter...
  25. JuniperMasterRace

    Season to take Chinese Elm, Gingko, and Bakd Cypress cuttings?

    Title. I’m letting my trees go wild and run, it’s been about 2 months of vigorous growth (see Imgur link). I’m concerned I’m missing out on ramification and refinement just for a couple dozen cuttings. I took a few cuttings in January right before spring and they look like they are going to...
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