tree id

  1. SmallTreeGuy

    Identification of collected tree from Wisconsin.

    Went to Wisconsin to visit a friend and help him clear some land. On the last day I collected a tree that has a great gnarled base with a sharp turn near the ground. I have no clue what type of tree it is and was looking for some help in identifying it. Buds are just starting to break out into...
  2. L

    Identify this tree

    Hey - can you help me identify this tree? I love them and they are everywhere around here (Papudo, a coastal town near Valparaíso, Chile). This is a closeup of the fruit/seed pod: And here are a couple of closeup of the leaves:
  3. Apex37

    Juniper ID

    Picked this up from a local nursery. There wasn’t a label on this specific one, but among the 5 there that were all the same, one was labeled Sabina Juniper. I’m not sure if that’s what this is though after looking at photos. Any help on an ID would be appreciated!
  4. Apex37

    Help ID This Pine

    Can anyone help in IDing this pine? I appreciate any help! :)
  5. Apex37

    Tree ID

    This guy made his way into a pot that was sitting by the side of the house with some dirt in it. I have never watered it and somehow has survived and looks pretty happy so far. Can't figure out exactly what it is. Looks like black poplar or apricot (prunus armeniaca). Hoping apricot, cause I'll...
  6. W

    Tree id

    Hi im new to bonsai and was wondering if anybody knows what kind this is?
  7. sixemkay

    Can you ID this Acer Palmatum?

    I purchased this tree earlier this summer from a woman on Craigslist. She couldn't remember which type of Japanese Maple it was. What do you think it is? Thanks in advance :) Attached are pictures of: newly opened leaves; whole tree; mature leaf
  8. BonsaiNaga13

    Maple ID help

    I was on a bike ride earlier and found this maple tree with seeds on it. It looked like Acer japonicum to me but I'm not sure. It was leggy and maybe 10 feet tall.
  9. jcrossett

    New spot

    Okay so went to my new place last night and the back yard is over grown in the corners and back side. Wanted to see if any of you would try to save some of this. I'm still new so not sure what can and can't be used. And some of this looks way to mature and over grown. There are also 2 yews...
  10. Heavy_Set

    2 unknown pines collected today...

    ....was walking one of my dogs this morning and spotted these little pines about to get mowed by the ditch gang. I asked them if they could leave em so i could come back and get them later, but that was a no go. So with no tools on me, one hand holding on to my dogs leash, did the ol' grab and...
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