Advice on JM trunk chop

Quick update. I decided not to chop this winter but I have done some branch pruning following the RHS web site advice which should encourage stronger grow, back budding, not having to seal ( sprayed antifungal just in case) or prune in spring avoiding bleeding. Next spring will put it on the ground with tile method and in early autumn, hopefully with a stronger and bigger tree, do my first trunk chop... I'm already considering to use the thick branch to the left as a new leader but not sure if will be suitable.
Again any comment is welcome and still will be good to know about peoples experience with hard pruning/trunk chop in autumn or winter.
Just to let you know that mine is still ok. So no problems after trunk chopping in late fall after 2 years
That's great! Thank you. I wonder how well Acer Palmatum does in a subtropical climate like yours? I though it needs a dormancy period.
Sorry, last thing I'll add.
Just remember, this is a very early work in progress. Get more trees. You are going to be touching this tree maybe twice a year for the next 3 years at least, before it starts getting the trunk you want, another year perhaps then you can start working on branches.. primary branches might be a year of no touching for thickness... etc etc.. Years add up. Dont wait for it. Buy more.
Its what everyone on here screamed at me and STILL DO. Its a long game this Bonsai malarkey, the more trees, the better.
That's great! Thank you. I wonder how well Acer Palmatum does in a subtropical climate like yours? I though it needs a dormancy period.

That’s a good question. What can I say? So far so good. Got mine for 3 years now. It may fail in the future I don’t know but at least now it’s growing plenty during the growing season. Always in the shade after May. Last year leaves dropped mid to late December and then budded out late February if I remember correctly. There many deciduous around here including sycamore, oaks, linden, Acer negando, liquidamber, etc. They all do fine so I think I have a chance.
Lol yes Connor I have noticed! I'm looking for a good prebonsai this month.

Very Interesting Gustavo, I believe the minimum temperature is 12C/53F and maximum of 25C/77F, is perfect! I have to start making some 'indoor bonsai' :).. Plz keep us updated.
Very Interesting Gustavo, I believe the minimum temperature is 12C/53F and maximum of 25C/77F, is perfect! I have to start making some 'indoor bonsai' :).. Plz keep us updated.

Not sure what you are referring to. Temperature range in the Azores? Coldest day at my house level is around 6C for maybe a week and during night. Most of January and February is usually around 10C: 8C/12C night/day cycle. During summer we can hit 32C but rarely. Usually around 28C but very humid (read suffocating). Of course, if you live in the mountains you will get a lot colder including snow above 1200m (not in my island). In Pico island you get subalpine temperatures higher in the mountain (2341 m).

All my trees are always outside, deciduous, temperate and tropicals. No protection needed.
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