alright, I gots the neem


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I just picked up some Neem oil(Bonide 70%, 2tbls per gal.) Should I use it full strength? When you say add a couple drops of dish soap do you literally mean 2 drops per gallon? Is the for better adhesion? ps. nevermind the "angry" thread, I'm bipolar. Seriously, I am. pps. All my trees have the finest of fine, single strand web from one limb to another. Some have only one. Are they mites. When a shook my bougonvilea over wht. paper nothing moved. I know one of my shimps had mites 8 wks. ago. That's why I gots the neem.
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I put two or three drops per sprayer full. The soap breaks the suface tension of the medium and allows it to spread over the leaves. My sprayer hold one quart. There should be full dilution instructions on the container it came in. Read those and start there. Dilute for potted plants if it has that formula in the directions.

Repete in three weeks.
And what about the single strand web thingy? The only instructions are 1oz. per gal. I made it a tad weaker and added 2 drops of soap to the gallon. Any risks of too much neem or too often?
I found the culpret. I sprayed last night, and this morning found the single web strand. I followed it from the post on the porch to the shimp and there was a tiny(3/16") spider looking critter. I couldn't find it in my audobon insect book. Closest one was a garden spider-go figure. If these are beneficial I'll let them be. I don't believe in taking any life unless there is a need, like hunting for food. I even eat the weeds from my garden(purslane).
Neem is a natural oil so no there "shouldnt" be any side effects except for maybe some extremely clean bonsai trees... Its also said that Neem (being naturally green when its hardened) will put a nice shine in your trees leaves making them more "green" and lively.

You even eat the weeds from your garden? Not only are striving for Art of Nature you are becoming more one with it then anyone I know... thats pretty hardcore lol :)
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Koyote Gibbons: Stalking the Wild Garden Weed...
Moley-O I take that as a complament, but all of us' brains are wired to learn & understand primitive craft & living. For you to be alive now means some primitive relative of your 5000 yrs. ago was very successful at tracking, hunting, and skills like fire by friction. This is what I'm more passionate about than bonsai and what I teach kids & adults-mostly tracking & Apache Scout high speed invisible survival. Sorry I'm rambling again. Look up purslane if your in the N.E. & eat it.
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