More than once I've "pruned" a bit of my fingertip when I'm in a rush and lose track of the very tip of my scissors.

Also recommend checking to ensure your die grinder is in the "off" position before you plug it in....that cost me some skin.
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Thank you. I'm ok as long as I don't move.😔
You have been playing with plants for too long that you think you can just stay in one place and a care taker will take care of you. I hate to break it to you but you are a care taker still.... you not quite morphed into a plant yet...
I really hope you are just in a bit of pain and nothing broken.
I managed to hit myself on the forehead when moving a heavy Saikei/ Penjing rock feature , when the top of the spikey rock broke off in my hand and struck me as I lifted it. Luckily the rest of the rock, tray and trees were ok with plenty of my blood as fertiliser!
So dumb. I was moving my new BRT from the east side of the house to the south. I was picking at some loose bark, not paying attention, when BOOM, I went down hard. I tripped on the sidewalk and fell hard right on the edge of the sidewalk on my side. I skinned up my arm and leg and may or may not have cracked/broken a rib/ribs. Whatever I did it hurts like hell. Luckily, the tree landed pot side down, so no damage there.
I hope you get well soon.
Take care.
So dumb. I was moving my new BRT from the east side of the house to the south. I was picking at some loose bark, not paying attention, when BOOM, I went down hard. I tripped on the sidewalk and fell hard right on the edge of the sidewalk on my side. I skinned up my arm and leg and may or may not have cracked/broken a rib/ribs. Whatever I did it hurts like hell. Luckily, the tree landed pot side down, so no damage there.
Now it's Monday, I hope you'll see the doctor if you're still feeling rough....

Glad the tree is okay --
Reminded me of a photographer friend, who slipped in an icy stairwell -- by reflex, the hand holding the camera went up as he went down -- Nikon was fine, tailbone was broken. 🙄
-Just wear on my knuckles and fingers , sometimes it feels as if I can crack my knuckles all the time .
-Muscle strain that lasted about a couple weeks from lifting heavy trees after taking out of winter storage
-A few cuts on my fingers from scissors
I lost a finger nail in the summertime from a tree I had up on a wooden block thinking it was secure but it got bumped into and landed on it
-Self doubt on my abilities a couple of times I think which comes in territory…
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Have you been in Novato long? I went to San Jose middle school when I first came over to the US from VN. Lovely town.

Have you been in Novato long? I went to San Jose middle school when I first came over to the US from VN. Lovely town.
Moved here 1975, grew up in San Rafael area. Local gal.
My wife cut her finger with a knife during the weekend trying to remove some deadwood. She got a trip to the emergency room and four stiches.6AE3D779-42CF-4226-A490-4279888DBFF4.jpeg
Blood..Sweat..& Tears....What an exciting hobby! Sign me up!!
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