Boon Training Series Videos

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Ottawa, KS
The first two installments of what promises to be a very valuable collection are in:

"Repotting: An Important Start to a Healthy Bonsai" and "Decandling: Japanese Black Pine" are excellent training videos showing the how-to of excellent technique.

Full Disclosure: I have studied under Boon and count him as my teacher and a friend. I have no vested interest in these videos other than to encourage every enthusiast to do what they need to do to make stronger, healthier, more beautiful bonsai. And that starts with technique.

I've reviewed these two videos at Bonsai Study Group as well as at my blog including screen captures of some of the topics.


With all the confusion about how to candle Japanese black pine, this video is a treasure trove of information to simplify and demystify the process. You don't need to candle your tree in three steps two weeks apart, you can do the entire tree in one day. Boon deals with the use of candling on both a tree in training and a mature tree, and every enthusiast with JBPs MUST own this video.


Repotting shows the steps from freeing the tree from the pot to the final watering and aftercare. This video should be a part of the library of every enthusiast and every bonsai club. While it doesn't cover the topics of one-sided roots (i.e. yamadori) or other specialized aspects of repotting a tree, it gives the basic theory and methodology and a tremendous amount of other information you won't find anywhere else.

Both videos are available at and worth far more than the price. The information is priceless.

Got both of these yesterday (Thanks Santa). Can't wait to watch them, got to wait until the kids are out of the way though;)
Got both of these yesterday (Thanks Santa). Can't wait to watch them, got to wait until the kids are out of the way though;)


I assure you there is nothing on these videos your children couldn't watch!
Yeah but I have enough comments about how weird I am with these little trees, I don't need to fuel the fire:)

Though I was a little concerned the repotting video might show a little too much bare root.
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Thanks Chris,

I need to pick these up.
Wonder if I could talk the local library into getting these..
Personally I love both these video's and can't wait for more to come out. I'm really suprised they are not more popular.
I recently purchased and watched both videos. I would highly recommend them. I'm hoping Boon comes out with new DVDs in the future.

I'd also recommend attending any of Boon's workshops if you have a chance - I attended a workshop he conducted last year on repotting that was very rewarding. He is a really nice guy and a great teacher, and it was well worth the admission price just to finally learn how to easily do the screen ties for the drainage holes :D
Thanks Chris. I scanned right over that.

What is the approx. length of the videos. I did not see that anywhere on his listing.
Thanks all. I have been looking for something like this for some time.

I am wondering how much of the candling info can be applied to pines in general?
This works for most two needled pines but would spell death for 5 needle pines which must be worked exactly opposite this technique. Scots, ponderosa, JBP, and Austrian black pines respond to this treatment, as do possibly mughos (possibly).
This is why opportunities must be seized. For a trip to an Intensive, I would spend about $1500 for air fare, room, and tuition. Boon is visiting us this weekend for a great retreat, and the cost including room, board, two workshops, demo, and great fellowship is only $250! All in a relaxed setting with lots of great material to either buy, or work on with Boon's tutelage, or I can bring my own trees. What a great opportunity!



Chris, is this your place in the pictures above?

This is some of the material Frank Kroeker has available for the weekend I believe.
This is some of the material Frank Kroeker has available for the weekend I believe.

Right. Frank has moved up to Topeka, KS, and dug as much of his field-grown material as he could to bring with him. There's a treasure trove in there.
I received both videos this week, watched the re-potting a couple of times. It was most helpful, I potted my first JBP from nursery pot to bonsai pot today and it went very well. Small town I live in, no club, actually I do not know of anyone else that works with bonsai here. So the web, books, forums like this and now my first videos are what I have to learn with. There was someone on this forum offering some videos they had done of early years work. Anyone seen them?
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