Bougainvillea questions

@aml1014 NICE! I'm actually super surprised this one is pushing buds already. It really got hacked up by the landscaper... and myself!;) aml thats pretty cold... was there much die back with it? Curious...
Maybe a couple inches on top but everything down low was fine, basically just defoliated itself.

You guys maybe right, here is a pic with it still there; I figured since everything else was a bougy then that was too but it just didn't like the shade, it's the one on the right. Can it be bonsaid?
The one on the left is cut right back and underground I still suspect that is alive but we will see.

Sorry about that all.


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So excited about my Bougainvillea.... I decided to make a redwood stand for it in the backyard. Kinda putting the cart before the horse but hey..... why not? Just a bit more sanding and a coat of sealer and its good to go! WOOT!:)

Well, its been 3 weeks since I planted the bougainvillea and there has been lots of progress! I know its very early on but wondering if any of you have any ideas on shape or style. My idea was to keep the curve of the vine.... maybe try and keep the leaves and bracts close the vine? Is there a time when I should start pinching back the growth? Thoughts? Thanks!
PS @Bonsai Nut.... Direct sun seemed to be the ticket!!! Thank you!

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I really like the movement of the arch… But that's me . This is my first attempt at training a Bougainvilla. I like the idea of a semi cascade .
I like the idea of a semi cascade .

I can see it and your climate is FAR better then mine is for that plant. If you want to go with a semi cascade I would do the following where you are;

First - wrap that branch with a heavy cushion and wire it down to keep it there - not wire the branch but achor it.

Second - let it rip and grow, pretty certain it will do as you like in 1 or two seasons.

Good growing -

I can see it
Thanks Grimmy! Its the very first thing I saw in the vine while it was laying on the ground. Ill definitely give that a try. The "stick" as my neighbor calls it is quite thick... not sure how much ill be able to pull it down!
Its been awhile since I posted on the Bougie I rescued from the landscapers.
Other then a quick repot due to a broken pot a few months ago I think it doing well. At least this vine is digging the heat.... been covering up the pot with a wet towel during our 100 plus days.
Lots of styling ahead but so far I'm happy with it!
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