can't identify this bonsai, please help


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Hello, I inherited this bonsai and I can't figure out what kind it is. My "picture this" plant guide ID says different plants everytime! I've searched everywhere on Google and don't think it's a typical plant. I've attached photos. Does anyone know what this is? It seems to be doing OK but I have no idea how to care for it or how to prune it etc.. Thank you!


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Hello, I inherited this bonsai and I can't figure out what kind it is. My "picture this" plant guide ID says different plants everytime! I've searched everywhere on Google and don't think it's a typical plant. I've attached photos. Does anyone know what this is? It seems to be doing OK but I have no idea how to care for it or how to prune it etc.. Thank you!
Where are you and where did you get the tree? That is important in trying to determine what it is.
Where are you and where did you get the tree? That is important in trying to determine what it is.
As mentioned it was inherited, have no idea of origin but must have started here. Live in Northern California east of San Francisco.
Are the leaves bluer than the picture shows? Is in inside or out? How long have you had it and if it is inside how long have you had it inside?
As mentioned it was inherited, have no idea of origin but must have started here. Live in Northern California east of San Francisco.
Please put that in information into your avatar to the left, so we don't have to keep asking. This info is pretty critical to any advice we can provide, since care depends on local climate.

This could be a lot of things, but it looks to me like it might be Brazilian Rain Tree (pithecellobium) or another tropical species. It looks to have compound leaves (Leaves made up of individual leaflets on a common leaf stem). Hard to tell since all the growth is new and leaves don't appear to be fully extended. Trunk is quite right for rain tree...

Is this tree being kept indoors?
Please put that in information into your avatar to the left, so we don't have to keep asking. This info is pretty critical to any advice we can provide, since care depends on local climate.

This could be a lot of things, but it looks to me like it might be Brazilian Rain Tree (pithecellobium) or another tropical species. It looks to have compound leaves (Leaves made up of individual leaflets on a common leaf stem). Hard to tell since all the growth is new and leaves don't appear to be fully extended. Trunk is quite right for rain tree...

Is this tree being kept indoors?
Not a Brazilian rain tree. Not compound leaves.
By the leaves alone reminds me of goat willow, but could be anything...
I think it is a willow. It branches, has scar stems and leaf shape of my Boyd's Willows, but leaves in pictures lack blue. Perhaps op will get back to us and it can be resolved.
I think it is a willow. It branches, has scar stems and leaf shape of my Boyd's Willows, but leaves in pictures lack blue. Perhaps op will get back to us and it can be resolved.
I have one on my bench just like it but with more leaves—Boyd’s Willow, Salix x boydii. A natural hybrid found in the late 1870 growing in Scotland near Glen Clova in Angus by Bill Boyd. Needs well drained soil and can’t take heat well so keep in part shade in summer. Native to zones 4-7. The soil looks like it is a peat mix which is not good, but too late for anything more than a rescue repot if it starts to go downhill.
Hello, Much thanks for input! But so far though no good. Not oregano, succulent, willow (or Boyd's), mint, frankincense,
not blue, photo pretty accurate. Great suggestions though. Soil/roots pretty dense. Always kept indoors, unsure age, seems to be pretty healthy. Since I'm in California I assume it was started here. So baffled. Someone out there must know, can't be a new species!
Here's a better closeup photo. There is no odor or fragrance to it. The leaves ARE pretty new. Buds opened perhaps 2 weeks ago. What a conundrum.

Screen Shot 2024-05-14 at 5.21.05 PM.pngum.
What makes you think it is not a Boyd’s Willow? Here are closeups for comparison.

View attachment 546690
View attachment 546689
Is this the source of your photos?

Looking around, I don't see how this isn't a Boyd's willow. Maybe when the OP posts the tree in flower we can know for sure.
Is this the source of your photos?

Looking around, I don't see how this isn't a Boyd's willow. Maybe when the OP posts the tree in flower we can know for sure.
Yes, those are the ones but there are tons more on the internet.
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