International Bonsai Magazine Index


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Does anyone know of an index for all the International Bonsai Magazines? There have been times where I want to know if there is an article on grafting black pines or air layering a maple and it would be nice to look through an index to see if there ia an article about it in this magazine without looking through every issue.

A few years ago, I indexed all of my Bonsai magazines (including Bonsai International). I can e-mail you a copy if you like. It has several hundred bonsai articles indexed. Send me a PM with your e-mail address if you're interested.


Thanks for the offer. PM sent.

Jeff, I am sending mine as well if you don't mind.

I was going to say that on the back order pages in the magazine you can with good eyes or a glass see the articles in each magazine, but I think bonsai barry has a better idea.

Gotta love this community.
Over 10 years ago someone produced a Bonsai Indices which catalogued all articles in:
International Bonsai
ABS Journal of Bonsai
BCI Bonsai Magazine
Bonsai Today
World of Tropical Bonsai Magazine
It is great! I still have it archived on my computer and often refer to it when writing articles and teachings.
It is archived by species, article title and subject if my memory serves me.
Sadly it was never updated so ends in 2001? I think. I can still use it for earlier stuff but not after that. A good project for someone to update?
John Romano
Thanks for your interest in International BONSAI magazine, the first and only professional bonsai magazine published in the United States. I'm pleased you find the quality, timeless, researched articles helpful in your bonsai studies.

An index for the first ten years (1979-1988), Vol. 1-10, is in the 1989/NO. 1 issue.

An index for the second ten years (1989-1998)Vol. 11-20, is in the 1999/NO. 1 issue.

I had plans to issue an index for the third ten years, but got busy with the US National Bonsai Exhibition and did not find the time, nor the energy to produce one.

However, if you look at the NO. 4 issue for each year you will find a yearly index. I too use these all the time to look up information which was published 33 years ago.

Thanks again for your interest! It's nice to know someone appreciates the hard work and effort which goes into the selection, research, editing and designing the articles which are combined with appropriate beautifully printed photographs.


Just checked out the 2 indexes. Very helpfull. Now if we could get the next 11 years that would be great! Thanks for the effort you put into producing this great magazine. I refer back to it a lot. Now if I could just find the 1985 #2 my set will be complete.

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