is my Jap maple waking up too early?


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South Africa
Hi all, normally i wouldnt post something like this but... I found a Jap maple which is a very difficult tree to find in South Africa and trunk chopped it and began to form it for the next gro season. We are in the middle of winter here and it has just started to push new growth, now as we are still in the middle of winter i am just wondering if i should just leave it or try to force it back into dormancy.

If the question is stupid please say so, its the only way i will learn ;)
Thanks in advance, Andy
How far are you from your last freeze. Do you even get frost? That is the worry.
Do you have an opinion about why it started to push new growth? Did you bring it indoors to work on it for several days? Are you experiencing unseasonably warm weather? I agree with Globalist's comment - the issue will be whether you will get weather that will kill the growth (and possibly the tree).

I also wonder just what you mean by "pushing new growth" Are the buds merely swelling or are you actually seeing shoots elongate?

Getting buds and seeing shoots elongate. As for the weather we do go down to about -3 on a very cold night. this is unusual but it has happened once already this winter. Ihave not moved it since the chop (at the start of winter). It does get a lot of sunlight and im thinking this may have something to do with it. It is still very much pre bonsai material still in the large pot it came in. When i got it the leaves were badly burnt.

I have absolutely no knowledge of this species here, and not many people do it seems, thats why i am forced to see if i can find an answer on the net. so that said what do yall think?
There isn't really much you can do--other than wait and see or put it in a greenhouse. But JMs are tough. Even if the cold hits it too hard one night, it should still have enough energy to put out new buds. JMs have been enduring late frosts since there were bonsai, they can handle it. My guess is that it will live.

If this tree were a finished bonsai then I would be singing a different tune. There would be a lot of work invested in where the fine branches are, bud selection, etc.
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hmmm you could take an extra step to make sure it doesnt freeze by putting a layer of mulch over the top of the current soil and wrap the rest of the container in something along the lines of a canvas bag...anything that will dry out shortly after you water or at least by the time night falls. This will keep the container and the roots from freezing while also providing ample air around the pot and soil.

Option B... Bury the tree up to the containers rim and then put mulch over the top. the container will keep the roots confined so it doesnt spread out and risk losing some roots when you dig it up again.

Just some precautionary info there...
Thanks for the replies. I have just realised that common sense was evading me, the tree wants to start growing and i am going to let it, and just take extra precautions against frost. I do have a commercial frost cover that i am using. Thank you all once again. After rereading my post i realised that i should probably never force a tree to do something it doesn't want to do!

By the way i hope no-one finds the abbreviation i used in the title offensive, it was not meant to be. The abbreviation is what is on the lable of the plant itself not mine! and if any offense is caused i offer an apology, the last thing i mean to do is insult anyone.
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