MABA Convention 2010


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north-central Indiana, USA
WHAT: Mid-America Bonsai Alliance biennial convention.

WHERE: Grand Rapids, Michigan.

WHEN: June 25-27, 2010.

HOW: Headliner: Kathy Shaner. Other artists: José Cueto, Jack Douthitt, Andy Smith, Frank Mihalic, Scott Yelich, Pauline F. Muth, Jim Doyle, Steve Pilack. Not to overlook the efforts of the West Michigan Bonsai Club!

WHO: YOU! You don’t have to be a member of a MABA club to attend, or have years of experience; you just have to be interested in bonsai.

WHY: Because a bonsai convention can give a tremendous boost to your knowledge and confidence in our beloved art! To read how my first convention impacted me, please go to: and scroll down to “Why Go to A Bonsai Convention, Anyway?”

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please go to For my impressions of the last MABA convention in 2008, visit
We should host a convention exchange program... you help me get to yours, I'll help you get to mine... :D I'm the registrar for the PNBCA convention in Bremerton WA this year. :D

I wish you the best of luck with yours... I adore Kathy... you guys are going to have such a good time. :cool:

We should host a convention exchange program... you help me get to yours, I'll help you get to mine... :D ...V

I like the idea! :):) Just wish I knew some way to make it feasible ... :confused: I'd love to see "in person" some of the trees that you and others from the Pacific NW have discussed and of which you've posted pics. (Where's the "drool" smiley?)

Thanks for the good wishes, and back atcha!
I just saw some of Steve Pilacik's azaleas, and pines last weekend at the PBA show at the Arboretum in Washington. I have never seen such beautiful trees in my life. He had dozens to choose from. I wish i had saved more money up, i would have gotten a larger one. Have fun.
Ms. Vic (and anyone else,) please feel free to use a link to my "Why Go to a Bonsai Convention Anyway?" in advertising your own convention. :)
Steve thats a great little write up. Thanks

Any Dead Heads around???? They know how to get around to concert after concert with no real plans, they trade off places to stay etc..

Hmm that could work, trade you a shared hotel in Pa, for a bed at a Cal. convention.:D
I'm doing that for Yamadori... I talked her into coming up here to enjoy the big Northwest con this fall, because she was such a doll at GSBF last year. She gets herself up here and I'll make sure she has a great time. :D

And thanks for the offer of the link Treebeard! That's very cool. :cool:

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