My first Corky elms.


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So I love Cork bark elms. I don't know much about'em and haven't seen them for sale in too many places. So I finally broke down and bought two seedlings from ebay. They are about pencil thick and no corking...yet. How long does it take for them to cork up?
Any other info/experience you all have would be appreciated.
five to ten years,so if they are pencil size seedlings its going to be awhile,if they were mine i would put them in the ground to grow for atleast three growing seasons.
I have one that was about 1/2" when I got it, 2 years later and its about 3/4". However, I am in zone 5 and it seems to hate my climate. It even went dormant last year at the height of the summer heat. It is probably about 4-5 years old and no cork bark, just a slim whitish trunk. This is in a nursery can so obviously if you have ground that would be the best way to go.
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I have three that I put in the ground for 8 years, and they started to cork up at about the 6th year. When I got them they were 1/2" diameter at the base. This one I chopped a couple of months ago.

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