Old needles drying out


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Portimão, Portugal
Hi there!
I've got a scots pine that has been transplanted in March. The candles have extended well and the new needles have grown already. They have an healthy green color and I haven't cut anything. I've made only reduced slightly the root mass, because it was the first transplant and I'm trying to progressivly reduce the roots.
The only problem is that many of the old needles are drying out. I don't know if it's normal, but I'd like to hear someone else's opinion.
It could have to do with messing with roots or it just may be that the tree is replacing some of the old needles. It really depends on how many are browning, if its just a few here and there not much to worry about. Also, if its pushing new candles and they are opening as usual I really wouldn't be too concerned at this point. In general, now more than a 1/3 of the roots should ever be removed from a pine at one time. Also, you may want to put it in the shade/part sun for a few weeks until it recovers. Misting once a day can help as well. Good Luck
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I have had different experiences with Scots pine in my area. I field grew 2 trees to thicken up the trunks for about 8 years. The width hit 3+ inches and I dug them. Both trees had very good root systems, 1 tree is alive and doing fine, the other tree turned brown about a month later. This happened to me on 2 separate occasions. But I would say if the buds opened OK then the tree should be OK.

I agree with Tom,if the buds opened,it has a good chance of survival.
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