Pacific Bonsai Expo, Oakland CA, November 12-13, 2022


Spuds Moyogi
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Fairfax Va.
Haven't really heard much about this here, but it looks terrific. Oakland, Nov. 12-13
"The Pacific Bonsai Expo is a juried exhibition featuring 70 outstanding bonsai displays and a selection of the community's top vendors."

Haven't really heard much about this here, but it looks terrific. Oakland, Nov. 12-13
"The Pacific Bonsai Expo is a juried exhibition featuring 70 outstanding bonsai displays and a selection of the community's top vendors."

Out here in the west we are really excited to have this event happening. Bit of a drive for me but I will be there.
What is admission cost?

their website doesn’t answer very much at all.
What is admission cost?

their website doesn’t answer very much at all.
Patience Grasshopper.
I am sure the details will be available in due course! After all the event is not happening until the middle of November. The call for entries is open now! Opportunities for support and volunteers, Lots of detail regarding how the juried selection will take place and the process for preparing an entry.
The venue looks like it will be a very interesting site. I guess we view things differently. I thought there was lots of information for this stage of the process. Particularly since it is the first time for this particular event and the scope of organization required. Those of us that have helped organize and take part in major shows and conventions fully appreciate how much planning and time it takes to put everything in place.
Patience Grasshopper.
I am sure the details will be available in due course! After all the event is not happening until the middle of November. The call for entries is open now! Opportunities for support and volunteers, Lots of detail regarding how the juried selection will take place and the process for preparing an entry.
The venue looks like it will be a very interesting site. I guess we view things differently. I thought there was lots of information for this stage of the process. Particularly since it is the first time for this particular event and the scope of organization required. Those of us that have helped organize and take part in major shows and conventions fully appreciate how much planning and time it takes to put everything in place.
I suppose for those of us who would like to plan ahead for attendance would like to know the cost of admission.
I’ll send them an email.
I’m very excited about this! The venue is great too so I’m sure it will be awesome.
Don’t get me wrong though, I’m pretty excited and very glad they’re doing this. Just gotta clear up admission :)
I suppose for those of us who would like to plan ahead for attendance would like to know the cost of admission.
I’ll send them an email.
Did you see this line on the volunteer page?
"Volunteers who sign up for a half-day shift will receive admission to the exhibit for the day they volunteer (or a day of their choosing if they volunteer outside exhibit hours)."
No need to save up, regardless of the cost!

Or if your tree is accepted. Under call for entries.

"Do I get free passes if my tree or trees are accepted for the exhibit?

  • Yes. Exhibitors will receive one weekend pass ahead of the event."
Did you see this line on the volunteer page?
"Volunteers who sign up for a half-day shift will receive admission to the exhibit for the day they volunteer (or a day of their choosing if they volunteer outside exhibit hours)."
No need to save up, regardless of the cost!

Or if your tree is accepted. Under call for entries.

"Do I get free passes if my tree or trees are accepted for the exhibit?

  • Yes. Exhibitors will receive one weekend pass ahead of the event."
i did, but still doesnt expand on how much admittance will be. im sure in the future we will know.
Is this an annual event? I am interested from the viewpoint of a vendor and see no way I can be prepared this year because of surgery. It is never too soon to know about these things from a vendors viewpoint. After all, the vendor spaces for the Winter Silhouette show in early December were filled by mid January.
Is this an annual event?

They've had a few good podcasts about the event.

November seems like a great time for a show. I hope the persimmons out there will show up!
Is this an annual event? I am interested from the viewpoint of a vendor and see no way I can be prepared this year because of surgery. It is never too soon to know about these things from a vendors viewpoint. After all, the vendor spaces for the Winter Silhouette show in early December were filled by mid January.
This is the first year for this show. I would love to do this show, but it's just to far for me.
Is this an annual event? I am interested from the viewpoint of a vendor and see no way I can be prepared this year because of surgery. It is never too soon to know about these things from a vendors viewpoint. After all, the vendor spaces for the Winter Silhouette show in early December were filled by mid January.
The Vendors tab on the website states the following:
The Pacific Bonsai Expo welcomes vendors from the bonsai community to participate in the exhibition. We're currently fine-tuning the vendor experience and will provide details as soon as possible. In the meantime, let us know if you are interested in vending using the form below."

I would use the contact form for your question?
The Vendors tab on the website states the following:
The Pacific Bonsai Expo welcomes vendors from the bonsai community to participate in the exhibition. We're currently fine-tuning the vendor experience and will provide details as soon as possible. In the meantime, let us know if you are interested in vending using the form below."

I would use the contact form for your question?
Thanks. Yeah, I saw that but it is still a waiting game. I can't see me doing it this year anyway.
Thanks. Yeah, I saw that but it is still a waiting game. I can't see me doing it this year anyway.
True, it is a waiting game for all concerned. Future plans are always dependant on the outcome of the first venture. Sort of like Bonsai development and design.
My personal wish would be for the Bonsai community to end up with a major North American show alternating. One year on the Eastern side of the continent and the next on the western side of the continent.
In the end this would promote a much stronger and unified Bonsai community, which in turn would support mid size and smaller events across the continent. Conventions and Shows are very expensive to hold in this day and age, increasing attendance and support across the board will go a long way to ensuring these events continue for everyone.
I am planning on going. I was going to sell pots on a table but decided against it

I could see this being like the Artisan Cup, one and done… so I figure I should go
I am planning on going. I was going to sell pots on a table but decided against it

I could see this being like the Artisan Cup, one and done… so I figure I should go
Why did you decide against vending at the show?
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