Procumbens First Styling


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Syracuse, NY
Ok, After spending Saturday and Sunday as Walter Pall's "weekend apprentice", thanks to the Behr Bonsai Scholarship, on Monday, I picked out a juniper and put my newly aquired knowledge to the test. This is the result. I actually ended up with several useable fronts, and am in no ruch to decide.



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Very nice work HotAction... That is a great beginning.. It will look really nice in a pot and trained...
I was there Monday with Dave, and I will tell you, the pictures don't really do it justice. Dave did a great job styling this juniper.
TERRIFIC. It will be great to see where you go with this one in the future. Excited that our club will be working with some Natures Way junipers soon.

How many people were in Walters workshop?
Great Job. Look forward to more pictures in the future.
@bonsaiTom, there were 8 of us in Walter's workshop that day. Your right, Jim Doyle has some great junipers. Good luck with yours, and if you think about it, take some pics as you go and post them after the class.
Lancaster, Thanks. Our plan is to get Marc Arpag to do the club workshop (in Utica) using Jim Doyles junipers. Dave (HotAction) is our picture posting guy. He'll do the pics. :cool:
Do you have pics of your workshop tree?
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Great job Dave, doin' it up right. It's going to look great in a pot.
Some real nice trees to work with, thanks Walter. Bt the way for this purpose anyway, the photos came out fine
Great little tree Dave! I really like the form & procumbens is my favorite juniper. Walter is great to work with. I am looking forward to seeing him & Jim Doyle this weekend and hope to get a chance to visit Jims nursery.

Keep us posted with this tree, it should do well.

Is that an anderson flat that its planted in?

Bob O
Thanks to everyone who chimed in. I'm glad you all like the outcome as I did. Just a few more pictures from another front, and a close up of the trunk. Bob, yes it is an Anderson flat.


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Thanks to everyone who chimed in. I'm glad you all like the outcome as I did. Just a few more pictures from another front, and a close up of the trunk. Bob, yes it is an Anderson flat.

I'd be a bit worried that the flat is too big, particularly at the level of foliage you have right now and the fact that it looks like you have organic components in your soil mix. I say this because I lost a nice scots pine a couple of years ago that was bigger/had more foliage than your juniper that I transplanted to a flat. Even though the flats have amazing drainage, I've found that even 100% inorganic mix in a flat can stay very wet for a long time if the soil mass is big compared to the tree at hand.

Very nice work though :)
Thanks for the concern. It is well established in the flat already, that is the way it came from the people who know what they are doing. I asked the same questions because of the mix and it was pointed out that there is quite a bit of pumice mixed in with the organics and what not(not easy to notice unless you dig around a bit). I will adjust the watering scheme to suit the difference from a typical bonsai mix. Thanks again.

Update, repoted into ceramic container for further development.


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Ok, so after displaying this tree over the weekend, today I notice the 2 or 3 most terminal needles on nearly every branch have turned a yellow/tan color. It doesn't appear to have any symptoms along the shoots, only at the very tip. I couldn't get a clear picture. Any ideas?
How is your soil? Also if it just looks yellow without being dry, you could just need to give it a shot of iron chelate to make it happy. If the tips start to die back you are having a soil problem, as they are the most tender, and therefor the first to exhibit root stress.

Since you mention roots, could it have been caused by.drying out at the show?
Certainly... if it were protracted in any way. I'm sure you've got it well watered at this point... but think of getting some B1 which is good for shock and overall root happiness, if you feel your soil is in good condition.
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