Proposed rookie contest?

Like jedi masters with padawans. Exactly like that, but almost completely different.

Do we have to call them "master"? Call 'em whatever you like. I might go with "Stinky McStinkypants" We'll see.

I think Sorce is mad about the tree I buzzsawed. Why?

How much is the student and how much is the robot following orders? That really depends on the student. Feeling like you're blindly following orders? Start asking "Why?" and push back a little if you get "Because I said so." Be prepaed to recognize the wisdom (different than knowledge) that is being offered.

If multi-year there has to be a provision for a new teacher if the existing one leaves. Not necessarily. If a "teacher" chooses a "student", that might be a thing. We can address that if it happens. Too many rules is yucky. Let's just manage it as it goes along. I have a feeling that much of this will become teaching by committee. Not everyone here has the strengths in all the fields we noobs will be exploring. I'm hoping to get stuff from lots of folks.
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