Redwood/Giant Sequoia repotting?


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United States, Oregon
Hello. I was hoping i'd be able to get some advice on if now is too late to repot a Redwood or a Giant Sequoia. I'm hoping to stop by my local nursery within the next week and see if they have any young stock of one of the species. I have seen the Giant Sequoia there in the past with roots reaching through the drainage holes, signaling for a larger home, though the trees looked healthy at that time (last spring). If either-or is in stock, I'd like to grab one. I do not yet have a conifer to take care of. Curious on how well the two species takes root pruning or if slip-potting is recommended at 1st. If anything is in stock, they will likely be small trees—12" or so. I live in the Pacific Northwest. Currently it is Spring with highs in the 60's and some days reaching 70 and lows in the mid 40's.
12”? You could water wash that little guy and plunk it in any good mix…..

Since the prospective tree is so small, just chop any tap root and up pot in a good nursery mix blended with fir bark with a drainage layer on bottom Alf a nursery pot.

Avoid bonsai mix at this stage, it will grow faster in a nursery mix. You’ll most be looking at successive up potting in this mix for 2-4 years depending on the ultimate trunk diameter you are seeking.

Mine are all about 1 1/4 dia in their 3rd year. All are getting ground layering treatment this year to get ready for next years potting in an actual bonsai pot.

DSD sends
12”? You could water wash that little guy and plunk it in any good mix…..

Since the prospective tree is so small, just chop any tap root and up pot in a good nursery mix blended with fir bark with a drainage layer on bottom Alf a nursery pot.

Avoid bonsai mix at this stage, it will grow faster in a nursery mix. You’ll most be looking at successive up potting in this mix for 2-4 years depending on the ultimate trunk diameter you are seeking.

Mine are all about 1 1/4 dia in their 3rd year. All are getting ground layering treatment this year to get ready for next years potting in an actual bonsai pot.

DSD sends
Sweet! Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated. Hopefully I'll get a chance to get in there within the next week and score.
Hmm…. Wow, That’s really nice way to ruin a saw!

Good illustration of the initial first steps of styling this guy, yet I think the only reason the author used a pot at this point is that he couldn’t make it stable in an Anderson type flat without a lot of work!

Anyways here’s a short, but decent progression/resource for sequoia

DSD sends
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