Serious tree on facebook

Mauro is not only very talented, he is very kind and helpful. I saw a picture of a Q. Ilex of his and nobody else seemed to know about them so I sent him an email. He was very forthcoming with his experience and knowledge of the species and answered all of my questions.
I order for anyone to see the pictures you have to be friends with them first. If you aren't friends with them, Harry you aren't friends with Peter Tea, then you won't be able to see any of the pictures. Luckily, I am friends on FB with both, and both are monster trees!!!
I order for anyone to see the pictures you have to be friends with them first. If you aren't friends with them, Harry you aren't friends with Peter Tea, then you won't be able to see any of the pictures. Luckily, I am friends on FB with both, and both are monster trees!!!

Thanks, I'll ask Peter to confirm me as a friend. We met at the Lone Star bonsia show this year, a nice guy.

keep it green,
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