Too late to collect?


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Aliquippa, Pa.
A question for the Pine pro's

Is it to late in the season to collect pines?

I don't know what kind they may be but they are pretty prolific around here in Southwestern Pa. and are two needled. If a building lot is cleared but left undeveloped for two or three years these babies just take over even if the top soil is gone. There are a few that look as if they were run over more than once and may be good for collecting. Any advice would be appreciated.

A question for the Pine pro's

Is it to late in the season to collect pines?

I don't know what kind they may be but they are pretty prolific around here in Southwestern Pa. and are two needled. If a building lot is cleared but left undeveloped for two or three years these babies just take over even if the top soil is gone. There are a few that look as if they were run over more than once and may be good for collecting. Any advice would be appreciated.


They are probably Virginia Pine, and your collecting window is getting smaller. If the buds have not opened you might be successful.
In the cascades we can't even collect yet..probably in another month we will start to go collecting and for pines it will be lodgepole, ponderosa, limber and western white pines. I will collect them pretty much all summer long with no ill effects. There is a small window in the middle of June where I will gps good pines and get them later, mid-July and later.

Last year I spent 14 days in the Rockies collecting from July 20th through Aug 3rd and didn't loose a single pine or fir. THose were some HOT days I tell ya:D

But every climate and species of tree is different so I would consult someone in your local area.

Thanks Vance, I'll dig them today.

Thanks Jason. I envy you. Those have to be some excellent collecting trips! No place like the mountains........
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