Trident maple seedlings


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Tifton, Ga
The leaves are developing but they’re not extending anymore. It looks like they’re getting too much light but I don’t think that’s the case. Ideas? 8CA92B0B-F2AF-4DF1-BE89-5BFE00D48926.jpegC7506C2B-7753-4809-B85E-CEC22CC76A4E.jpeg
If you look closely, you can see little white fruiting bodies of fungus. Not a problem of lighting... but humidity and general conditions.

This is not to say that you don't have good conditions but rather that good conditions for your seedlings may be good for fungus. If possible, dial down the water and dial up the light. Fungi can't stand the sun.
My Trident also seems to show some of this. It looks a little less green than pictures of Tridents I see, although I was thinking that was just because they're young leaves. It started leafing out a few weeks ago. Also the shoots don't seem to be extending, the second pairs of leaves are just unfurling right on top of the previous pair in most cases. And I see small white spots along the veins on pretty much all of the leaves.

Is this likely fungus? Is it saveable?


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I find my tridents to be hesitant directly after budding out, not really extending for the first few weeks. Then again, I suppose my spring is slower to get warm than yours?
I find my tridents to be hesitant directly after budding out, not really extending for the first few weeks. Then again, I suppose my spring is slower to get warm than yours?
Hmm, I see. I know it is hard to tell from the pictures, but the small white spots along the veins is not indicative of fungus?

In any case, I think I'll pay a visit to the nursery where I got it and see how the Tridents they have are doing and compare.
Sorry, cannot see anything on the pictures. Must be getting old and need glasses.
No those pictures were just bad, here a a couple slightly better ones. It looks similar to JesusFreak's but may be less severe.


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