What do you see when you look at this tree?

Bonsai Nut

Nuttier than your average Nut
Reaction score
Charlotte area, North Carolina
This post probably belongs in the Karaoke Bar :)

Isn't it funny how one person see's one thing and I'm wondering that if she's nekid, then what is he doing to her????:eek:

If u look long enough and have a vivid imagination, which I think most bonsainuts do.. You'll know what he's doing.. ;);)
I gotta admit, I'm either getting really old or really, perversely bonsai-obsessed: I immediately thought how great some display slabs would look made from that burl. :o
Maybe someone should do a telestration on it like they do with bonsai critiques.. Just don't touch her knotty-parts..:D:D:D
i think the bark texture give's a wrinkly effect which leads me to think if he attacked i'd know where to kick him.

now THAT's Funny...:D
This may be the very tree from which the term "tree hugger" originated!
Isn't it funny how one person see's one thing and I'm wondering that if she's nekid, then what is he doing to her????:eek:

I sure hope that he is using protection, it would be pretty painful to get a splinter.
Hmmm I am thinking he has barked at the wrong tree....:cool:
Not real sure, but this may well be the front......


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Don't know about the bonsai but I can sure see the "nuts" around here:D:D:D
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