Winners of the 2006 World Bonsai Contest

Bonsai Nut

Nuttier than your average Nut
Reaction score
Charlotte area, North Carolina
For those interested, check out the winners of this year's World Bonsai Contest here:

World Bonsai Contest Winners

Thanks for the link to a wonderful series of photos. Most inspiring, and encouraging.
Well, actually I was disappointed. This may be the World Bonsai Contest, but many of these trees are certainly less than world class. There seems to be a great range from trees that wouldn't win an award in a local show to truly world class. I don't know any of the contest parameters, is it a photo entry contest? My guess is probably that it is. I would curious to know the total number of entries.

The greatest inspiration that I got was to get to work, because I know I can do better than a lot of these. If anyone wants to debate the merits of some of these trees, it might be a useful exercise.

see our blog at
Well, actually I was disappointed. This may be the World Bonsai Contest, but many of these trees are certainly less than world class. There seems to be a great range from trees that wouldn't win an award in a local show to truly world class. I don't know any of the contest parameters, is it a photo entry contest? My guess is probably that it is. I would curious to know the total number of entries.

The greatest inspiration that I got was to get to work, because I know I can do better than a lot of these. If anyone wants to debate the merits of some of these trees, it might be a useful exercise.

see our blog at

I was going to abstain from this thread! It seems Brent as found that button that wants to make me jump in.:D

My view of the trees submitted to the World Bonsai Contest probably will not be a popular one, but here goes. I agree with Brent that some of these trees had no business being in the finish or for that fact honorable mention. Should we debate their merits and flaws? Sure, as long as we debate the tree, and not why or why not it should of been included in this contest. This contest (In my opinion) has been and always will be politically motivated. Debating why they were in the contest would be a kin to pi$$ in the wind. So to take anything seriously about why a tree was chosen has more to do with under lying currents of the organization at the time, than beauty and artistry.

Some may say how do I know that and take offense. I participated at the 5th World convention in a support role and so I feel I have a slight insight to what motivates these venues. I don't mean to offend anyone with my statements. Its just an opinion I formed after seeing the workings on the other side of the curtain.

Well, I don't know any of the politics of this contest, so it would be pointless for me to debate the how that some of these trees won awards. I was simply contemplating an analysis of why some of them are outstanding and others are dogs.

I'm for that debate! I didn't intend on even looking at the photos until I read the posts so far. I gotta agree with Brent - quite a few um.... less than fantastic trees in there. I too was inspired to get to work on some trees of my own.

So how do I post a photo for discussion?
""This contest (In my opinion) has been and always will be politically motivated. Debating why they were in the contest would be a kin to pi$$ in the wind. So to take anything seriously about why a tree was chosen has more to do with under lying currents of the organization at the time, than beauty and artistry.
Some may say how do I know that and take offense. I participated at the 5th World convention in a support role and so I feel I have a slight insight to what motivates these venues. I don't mean to offend anyone with my statements. Its just an opinion I formed after seeing the workings on the other side of the curtain.""

I'm not QUITE sure what exactly you are saying in your post?
Are you saying the trees ( or pots) displayed at the 5thWBC in Wash.DC were selected the same way as the tree photos for the World Bonsai Photo Contest 2006 judged by Japanese masters?
Before I say anything further I'd like to completely undestand what you are saying.
I'm not QUITE sure what exactly you are saying in your post?
Hi Dale,
I'll try and make myself clearer. It is my opinion that large organizations make choices not always based on artistic merit. I know of two entries that were excluded from the WBC. These exclusions seemed to be politically motivated. Both entries were of equal caliber to what was shown or in one case exceeded most material that was there. It is my assumption (based on observation)that since both artist are outspoken, if not a tad abrasive, their entries were not included. Most the trees at the WBC were beautiful and clearly deserved to be show cased. Like the World Bonsai Photo Contest there were clearly some trees that should of not been there.

I guess the comparison I am trying to make is, that if sub-caliber material is presented and it makes one scratch his head and say why. Then you have to take into account what other forces are at work.
I have no idea about any politics involved.I'm not saying there aren't,but I'm just not involved enough in the bonsai world to know.

One thing you guys might consider though is that the only trees judged were those that were entered.They have a set number of "winners".Perhaps these were the best entered.Also,I believe that they explain that the second 50 were not judged as the "best" necessarily.They were representaive of therir respective geographical areas.

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