Evergreen Azalea Basics, including Satsuki

Evergreen Azalea Basics, including Satsuki Version 1.01

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Greetings Evergreen Azalea lovers!

This article provides a solid background on Evergreen Azaleas, including Satsuki azaleas. The content is from, and credited to, the Italian Satsuki Bonsai Website and is named "Satsuki Tutorial". This is not a tutorial per se, but an article that provides a really good basis with which to learn about Evergreen azaleas, including Satsukis (https://satsukibonsai.com/tutorial/). In the future it is hoped that this guide will expland to cover more topics, especially horticultural, that will help you identify good techniques to keep and style your azalea bonsai.

So why post a website article about Evergreen Azaleas and Satsuki? First, was looking for good satsuki information and I found this free resource in Italian. I can't read Italian and figure some of the other Nuts couldn't either, so I translated the document via Google Translator. Afterwards I edited and formatted the text without changing the content. I did add a few resource links to provide further information. Secondly, this will help provide a place to search for good information about all Azalea bonsai's in one place.

The tutorial will be expanded over time. Presently it provides basic information on
  • Satsuki origins,
  • flower form, size, color, nomenclature,
  • leaf characteristics,
  • watering,
  • basic cultivation,
  • fertilization,
  • display and
  • repotting and others.
Most importantly to me, & I figure to others, the article explains how to:
  • Maintain the right color distribution of the flowers on Satsuki bonsai
  • Perform the different Japanese pruning practices used to cultivate bonsai. (Mesuki, Kiri-Modoshi, Motobadome, Kojiko-kiru and Higari)
IMO these two sections alone deserve reading by all!

Cheers and good reading!

Deep Sea Diver sends

PS: I did contact Satsuki Bonsai to request permission in May. Regretfully, they never responded. I waited and waited, then decided as this is part of the public domain it would be ok to post.

Latest updates

  1. Evergreen Azalea Bonsai, including Satsuki v1.01

    Hi Nuts! This in an update to the original Satsuki azalea tutorial, renamed Evergreen Azalea...

Latest reviews

Thank you for this translation. It's well worth a read.
Great overview... very helpful for every azalea fan...
Great information. I appreciate your effort and will continue to follow.
Very nice material. By chance I have the English version of the "Brocade Pillow" book, but it is much easier to follow this resource than the book. Congrats, gave it 5 stars. It would be nice to have something as bout Kurume Azaleas also, I leave that as a suggestion.
Deep Sea Diver
Deep Sea Diver
Thanks! Working on it. Our intermediate revisions, which likely will be at least 6-10, focus on Evergreen azaleas, However the practical examples will likely still have a lot of Satsuki, for a number of reasons. Among these are the fact is that they are very both similar in practice to work on and that Satsuki examples are plentiful.
DSD sends
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