
  1. Z

    P.afra Development/Styling Advice

    Hello all, I obtained this P.afra at a flea market about 1.5 years ago and have just been letting it grow out with minor cuts/pruning to thicken the trunk up, which is now a little over 2” (at the lowest point). I started reading up on bonsai about 2 years ago (took that long to get through the...
  2. B

    What to do with my Maple?

    Hello, I have just received this beautiful Maple (Acer Deshojo) from my gf. I am wondering what to do with it? It has two leaders from the top third of the truck. Maybe I should airlayer the larger leader? I am also thinking to airlayer the first third of main truck
  3. P

    Getting first bonsai/yamadori and general questions

    So I've been interested in bonsai for a while and got a seed kit as a gift. As I imagine you all know, it's slow and inconsistent way. As such I've decided to obtain a grown tree. I have a family member with a farm house and there's a few species there that might work so I'm looking for advice...
  4. ForeverRaynning

    Newbie to Bonsai, any of this have potential to be air layered?

    Hopefully this is the right subforum. I made a post in the ‘new to bonsai’ section and got some suggestions to try cuttings and air layering to propegate some local trees/plants whilst I wait on my seeds. I went and had a look at the beech hedge we have and took some pictures, these are just...
  5. L

    New to Pines. First Mugo Pine.

    This is my first pine it’s been a couple of months since thinning it out and trimming buds down to 2 per branch. Today I did some major chops to create taper and also did some wiring to creat some style. The lower right branch will most likely be a sacrificial branch after the trunk thickens up...
  6. another_alexander

    Chinese Elm Suggest Away!

    I recently received this Chinese Elm via an online auction. I’m well aware of the preparations and patience it takes for a while to allow this tree to get back into a proper growth. However, if you were gifted this tree, what steps would you take and/or what experimentation would you take...
  7. I

    Ceramics enthusiast, new to bonsai and have pot questions.

    Hello! I am a newbie to bonsai and have become quite addicted. As someone who is also interested and experienced in ceramics, I'm getting more and more fascinated by bonsai pots, infact I would love to make my own. However I know very little about bonsai pots (besides the selection process for...
  8. 603bonsai

    Advice on inground big beech chop

    This beech got clobbered by a big ash tree that came down on it years ago. I’ve been messing around with it for the last two years. I want to make 1 or 2 more big cuts before I pull and pot it with in 2025 or 2026 (depending if I make the full chop now or do it over two seasons). Here is a...
  9. N

    Japanese Black Pine Browning/Yellowing Advice

    Hey All! Got a Japanese black pine from the nursery a month ago and planted it into the ground this summer. I planted it on a mound to help with drainage and have been watering ~ 3 days or so. It gets about 5-8h hours of sunlight a day. I got my soil tested and nutrients are plentiful with...
  10. swiper

    Rolling up to the club: How do I NOT embarrass myself in front of the bonsai society?

    Hello everybody. I'm new to bonsai; as of right now I only have a pre-bonsai (zanthoxylum simulans) that I'm growing until its trunk is more satisfying and some ficus benjamina cuttings that I'm propagating for bonsai purposes. The ficus will probably suffer some mangling, but I have virtually...
  11. Tntthunder

    Help me with my wiring? Advice with design?

    So I recently went to my first workshop and it was great, I learnt a lot and It made me a little more confident with trying to do things alone. However when it comes to wiring I am still not confident in my abilities and I was hoping to get advice on the wiring here? Basically I used a young...
  12. D

    American beech styling ideas

    This American beech, I collected 2 years ago. It has 4"-5" base, and has been growing untouched. I am just looking for ideas on what direction to go with this tree. I'm am not a fan of the type of broom style where the trunk splits into two leaders of equal size. I just don't want to create one...
  13. Tntthunder

    A few Questions about developing nursery stock

    Recently got a another tree from a nursery, a Chinese Juniper 'Blaauws'. I slip pot into a bigger nursery pot to allow it to grow more and also wired the trunk and a few other thicker branches just for movement. Besides that pulled out small crotch growth and tiny weak interior foliage to open...
  14. TreeFrenKen

    Just dug up this Blue Jacaranda

    Any tips on care now that I have it in a pot? I used the soil it was growing in, for now. What soil/when should I replace it? What else should I do to it? Thank you all in advance
  15. C

    Root Advice

    Hi, I'm new to this forum. I look forward to connecting with you all. I recently acquired a nicely aged, but quite neglected pomegranate. After much care I am starting to see new buds. However, the roots are in an awful state. They have been left to intertwine and meld into each other, leaving a...
  16. N

    Developmental Indecesion re: My Wintergreen Boxwood. Need Suggestions!

    Good afternoon, my brothers and sisters in the art of bonsai. I am making my first thread on this forum, in need of advice regarding which direction I ought to take my newly-acquired "Wintergreen" Boxwood tree. I recently acquired this tree, along with a Serissa Japonica (which is doing...
  17. Y

    Trident maple in ground

    Hello! Longtime lurker, so fascinating to watch y'all do your thing. I'm a rookie tree killer and live east of Atlanta GA USA (zone 8a). I planted a trident maple many years ago not realizing how larger it would eventually become and since then my landscaping plans have changed. I'm going to...
  18. S

    Should I get this for $80 (altogether with shipping)

  19. C

    Help with weeping cherry

    Hello. I recently bought this kiku shidare-zakura cultivar from a nursery and wish to convert it to a bonsai if possible. Would like to get some feedback before I do anything later. It's currently about a meter tall and still in the pot it was sent in. First I was planning to repot to a bigger...
  20. Nicks_Bonsai

    Urgent Trident Maple Help!

    Needs some urgent help Not sure if this is normal but my Shohin Trident Maple which I purchased back in December has come into leaf like a month back however the leaves were looking a bit tangled and bunched together, after a few weeks I left it outside a few weeks back when the night temp went...
  21. Lawrencek

    Repotting Chinese elm for first time, advice needed.

    Hello all, someone might recognize me about a year ago I bought my friend a Chinese elm bonsai and I posted a thread on this website about if everything looked ok because the trunk had a odd bend to it (advertised as broom style) and the soil looked dislodged. I got some good feedback on here...
  22. Mr.Dr.K

    Novice: Chinease Elm. Advice and thoughts?

    This is my 1st and only Bonsai which was gifted to me about 2.5 years ago. At first I didn't know much about the species of tree, pruning etc... but managed to keep the tree alive and healthy. I don't have pics from when I 1st got it, but it has grow significantly. After reading a little on...
  23. JamesBondsai

    1yr old Pinus Mugo Pumilio - Help!

    Please help ☺️ Hello all, I'm very new to the world of Bonsai and have been growing a Pinus Mugo Pumilio from the seed. I've got a 1yr old seedling and I'm looking for guidance. (I'm located in Southern England, for seasonal reference). I planted it towards the end of Autumn 2020 and simulated...
  24. JaiDoubleU

    Someone Help My Bonsai!

    Hello, I have inherited a bonsai tree that I don’t think is doing well. It’s leaves look healthy, but it’s not very shapely. I'm hoping someone help me identify what it’s suffering from (if anything) and provide tips on how best to care for it. It appears to have been pruned rather harshly at...
  25. Bonsaiish

    Styling a Senegalia (acacia) burkei - advice needed

    Hi all! First time poster here… I bought a black monkey thorn from a nursery 10 days ago. The tree was in dire need of some TLC so I decided it should come home with me. (When my husband saw it, he said it’s the ugliest thing he’s ever seen). I repotted it in a plastic container with bonsai...
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