Do you water or get rain often? My mix is 100% inorganic and I water twice a day, with my JBPs in full sun. I try not to water the foliage when I'm watering, but I'm in the DC area, and we get a lot of heavy rains (actually it just started pouring rain a second ago). In the last two years since I've been doing bonsai, I have never gotten needlecast on my pines.
That being said, I do tend to get a lot of fungal infections on certain deciduous trees, especially on my chinese elms (only on the "regular" variety, not my cork barks which seem to rarely, if ever, get black spot). No matter how careful I am, my regular elms are constantly getting black spot. Thankfully my regular elms are cheap stock, so I'm considering not even bothering with them anymore.
I wonder if some fungal infections are more prevelant in certain areas - for example, where you are, needlecast and where I am, black spot?