DC National Arboretum - PBA Festival

Please note, he asked for a source.
I provided.
Also please note, I didn't say it was Obama, the Washington Examiner did.... I said it was the Fed's.....and its still the Fed's today.....and I'm still pissed off.....aka....not political.
Please note, he asked for a source.
I provided.
Also please note, I didn't say it was Obama, the Washington Examiner did.... I said it was the Fed's.....and its still the Fed's today.....and I'm still pissed off.....aka....not political.
Your right. Bicker on.
I generally dont watch news I kind of scurry around gathering facts as I deem them relevent. When someone mentions a fact that I find interesting, I ask for the source of that info to read for myself, then go down the rabbit hole. Regarding the virus, most of my knowledge comes from my wife, who is a nurse, so has better info and real world knowledge than the majority of whats out there.

I have not heard specific mention of not being restocked after h1n1 until now, not in any of trump's briefings, not on any news articles Ive read (numerous outlets), or talk radio (WABC in NY when im not listening to music in the car so... maybe 20% of the time). I try to be as informed as I can without being subject to the echo chamber and from as many places as possible. I read voraciously pretty much anything that interests me, and the h1n1 fact skipped by me.
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