I have a yardidori common juniper that I dug up last year. It made it through last summer without dying, but now I'm seeing a lot of dead tips on it as we start into an early spring.
It's in a probably to large grow bag in potting soil. I'm concerned it's staying to wet and considering moving it into an Anderson flat or a smaller grow box. But I'm not sure if that will improve it's health or further set it back. I'm also not quite sure how to go about lifting it out of the bag without ripping up the roots.
Thanks in advance.
It's in a probably to large grow bag in potting soil. I'm concerned it's staying to wet and considering moving it into an Anderson flat or a smaller grow box. But I'm not sure if that will improve it's health or further set it back. I'm also not quite sure how to go about lifting it out of the bag without ripping up the roots.
Thanks in advance.