Fall colors?


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Wheeling, WV
I live in WV and seem to have a couple trees starting to brown at the tips and change color. Namely a Koho and a J. Maple. We have had some cool nights. Is this a normal time to start seeing fall color and leaves to start dying?
Real easy way to tell if its the "right" time for you to see change in your wee trees....look at the big trees!

I would expect so, shorter day light hours, cooler temps. I know on my drive from York to Baltimore I can almost measure the change in tree color every ten miles or so as I come down in altitude. Closer to the bay its warmer and the leaves on the trees are much greener....

So in Wheeling...you should start your transition very soon, if your not in a full blown transition right now.
yep my ulmus parvifolia are starting to change colors and leaves are falling of aswell when i move the trees.
getting colder here and sunlight isnt what it used to be couple of weeks ago.
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We are seeing change on the early maples like amur.... i am seeing some color change in a few zelkova (but not all) and some crab apples.
Thanx guys. I have a shohin J. Maple and one of my smaller K. Hornbeams. All others are still in full green.
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