Manhattan Bonsai Inc...

Rick Moquin

Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS Canada
I ordered 3 pots from these folks late August. 2 out of 3 pots arrived broken a couple of weeks later.

The reason I am going public with this is because as of today nothing has come to a resolve. I informed Manhattan Bonsai that I would indeed go public with my mis-fortunes, as their customer service leaves allot to be desired.

The pots were ordered on the 11 Aug

Pots were received damaged 01 Sep, Manhattan Bonsai were contacted and photos were sent. They blamed it on the courier.

Filed a claim with UPS which informs me it is the shippers responsibility to file claims, not the customer. I get back to Manhattan Bonsai and I start getting what seems to be a run around.

UPS picked up the damaged goods on 03 Sep.

Contacted Manhattan 2 weeks later for a SITREP via e-mail. E-mail was ignored.

Contacted them again via feed back form on their website 24 Sep (as private e-mails are going unanswered), they state UPS is to blame and not to be pissed at them

03 Oct was told claim was settled with UPS and pots would ship Monday (05 Oct) tracking number to follow.

Recently got married therefore this was placed on the back burner. Returned 06 Nov from HM, still no pots. E-mails are being ignored, feedback forms unanswered and when called I get an answering machine. Called UPS today and they are looking into it. Regardless of outcome customer service from Manhattan Bonsai is non existent and IMO their establishment to be avoided.

Being in Canada it is difficult to acquire certain materials and hence require ordering from the US. I have had nothing but positive experiences in the past. I have received several orders from overseas as well.

IMO they handled the situation very poorly. Good customer service would have been when confronted with the photos of the broken goods, make restitution to the customer. Barring that, once they recieved their broken goods, re-ship replacements immediately. Under no circumstances should the customer be caught in the middle when disputing damage claims, that is what good customer service is about, not what I have been put through.

In closing IMO I definitely do not recommend nor endorse this business and will never order from them again.
Hi Rick, thanks for the heads up. Sorry for all your troubles.

On the bright side, congratulations on your recent nuptials!
I hope so to Greg. I am one that deplores negative feedback, especially the premature type but this is not the case. Having worked in the public sector in the past I do know what customer service is and it has been anything but here. Refusing to accept part or any blame says mountains wrt the integrity of the Coy.


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Being in Canada like you, I also wondered about mail order. I have questions specifically about brokerage charges. Are there differences among vendors?

I love how Dale has his pots done, they are super well packed. And I have had a few monster sized pots come in from him! Seems to me the place sounds like a flybynighter and don't care..

Being in Canada like you, I also wondered about mail order. I have questions specifically about brokerage charges. Are there differences among vendors?

The only way to avoid brokerage charges is if they ship USPS, United States Postal Service, then you pay the tax and duty at our post offices. UPS also have a reputation for being klutzes. My better half refuses to use them or having anything to do with them.

In all fairness, I have had positive experiences with:
Bonsai Brooklyn
Bonsai Discoveries
Buy Bonsai
Hollow Creek
Erin Bonsai
Edit: Shadyside Bonsai

Bonsai Gros-Bec Que
Natural Bonsai Ont,
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Well I finally got word from UPS this morning. It appears that Manhattan Bonsai has abandoned the package. This is the tern that UPS uses for damaged goods that were not claimed by the shipper for resolutions. Furthermore, the shipper needs to pay UPS for retrieving the goods, which is a fee that is reimbursed should the claim be in favour of the shipper. So the short of it Manhattan Bonsai has no intention of replacing my pots. UPS on the other hand has sent me a cheque for my incurred costs of shipping, taxes and duty.
I never bought pottery from across the atlantic,but it is found that US vendors ship their rejects to Europe.

Never had a broken pot but several have arrived as some other design!

I spend weeks pondering and finally buy something that will sort of do only to find my anticipation dashed by some impostor crockery.

I'm guessing the only ones that would arrive broken are those i was truly excited about and were in fact despatched as ordered.
Tough break Rick,Pun not intended.
Think they might respond if you e-mail them a deadline with a " I am going to speak with my C.C. co. and talk about C.C. and mail fraud.:eek:

Shady side is now North Star Bonsai

Hope you get it straightened out.
Thanks for the info Bill. I called my C.C co this am and I am covered. They will come good for the purchase should Manhattan fail to come good under the pressure applied by them. Apparently purchases are protected for 90 days. This includes but not limited to: fraudulent charges; fraudulent/unauthorized use of my nujmber; failure to receive items; or damaged goods. So some good might come of this after all, albeit not the frustration one had to endure. Regardless of the outcome I am glad I have made people aware of the shadiness of this firm.
Sorry to hear about that, Rick. I know how much decent pots mean to you, and how difficult it's been for you to get decent goods up there where you live.

I have repeatedly bought pots from these guys: It cuts out the middle man, so the cost is often surprisingly affordable even with the shipping - the shipping seems affordable only because it is sent surface, and therefore takes 2-4 months to arrive (in time for spring replanting!). As you might imagine, the packing is absolutely stunning, and I've never had a pot come damaged yet.

Congratulations on you wedding! May you enjoy happiness and a long life together.
Thanks Will, I will give them a whirl one of these days. On a happier note...


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That IS a happy note, Rick. :) May your life together be filled with blessings.
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