Possible pot issue?


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Tucson, AZ
Hi all! Hope you everybody has had a wonderful spring!
Just wondering... I have a Chinese Elm growing in a great little round pot. I noticed today there is a white string like fungus(?) growing in the soil. Could this be because the inside of the pot is glazed as well? I fear I may be over watering a bit due to the dryness of the desert.
Can you post a pic?

It could be bad or good if it is mycorrhizae.
Heres a few pics... Sorry I kinda moved the soil around and disturbed the fungus.

I noticed today there is a white string like fungus(?) growing in the soil. Could this be because the inside of the pot is glazed as well?

No Aaron, a pot that is glazed on the inside does not pose any danger to your tree. This is a misconception that many people have about pots with glazed interiors.

It looks like your soil mix has a fair amount of organic material in it. I use composted pine bark in my soil mixtures and have seen similar structures growing in my containers. Especially after periods of heavy rainfall. As Poink88 said, they could be a form of beneficial mycorrhizae. However, I always figured they were associated somehow with the breakdown of the pine bark. I have never had a problem that I could attribute to these white structures and the trees seem to like them.

How does your tree look? Is it showing any signs that it is under stress?

If they were associated with a pathogen of some kind, I think your tree would be telling you.

I hope this helps.

When I go to Florida for the winter I get the same looking buildup from the water down there. It does not hurt anything, I think its calcium in the water supply. A dripping water hose will get them and a dripping sink will be stained with it . When I get back to Ohio within a few weeks its gone again.

I may be mistaken so wait for others to confirm but it looks like beneficial mycorrhizae to me. :)

Look at this article. http://hymark.blogspot.com/2011/09/mycorrhizae.html
Ok good news! Thanks P!
No Aaron, a pot that is glazed on the inside does not pose any danger to your tree. This is a misconception that many people have about pots with glazed interiors.

It looks like your soil mix has a fair amount of organic material in it. I use composted pine bark in my soil mixtures and have seen similar structures growing in my containers. Especially after periods of heavy rainfall. As Poink88 said, they could be a form of beneficial mycorrhizae. However, I always figured they were associated somehow with the breakdown of the pine bark. I have never had a problem that I could attribute to these white structures and the trees seem to like them.

How does your tree look? Is it showing any signs that it is under stress?

If they were associated with a pathogen of some kind, I think your tree would be telling you.

I hope this helps.

I figured it had to do with the pot because its the only one that is glazed inside. All my Elms were replanted this year with the same batch of soil I mixed up and the rest don't have the fungus.
The tree in question looks great!
All around great news!
Thanks Paul for your time!
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