Since I'm ruining this site all by myself...


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Let's talk bonsai and I'm not talking about sticks in a pot. Would any of you buy this material given the chance. You guys from California and the upper northwest don't count, because you have a treasure trove of yamadoris.

keep it green,


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How about one of these......

keep it green,


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Or this is more to your liking (oops, threw a Yew in there)..... I hope this keeps you occupied for a while Chris and Gnome, to divert you attention away the the bar !!!

keep it green,


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Would any of you buy this material given the chance.

Sorry Harry, my answer is no.

Excellent bonsai, no doubt, and any of them would certainly be a great specimen in any collection, its just that I prefer to create my own bonsai for now.

Sorry Harry none of them say to me "take me home" I will be the first to admit I have nothing like those on my bench, but every one IMO has serious faults that were not dealt with when they were supposed to be dealt with.

In the capable hands of a master perhaps these can be made good, but I don't have the experience nor the eye for complete re-styles.
Remember they are just material, not bonsai yet.

keep it green,
Sorry Harry, my answer is no.

Excellent bonsai, no doubt, and any of them would certainly be a great specimen in any collection, its just that I prefer to create my own bonsai for now.


No problem, different strokes for different folks, I can appreciate where your coming from, but you're a lot younger than I am.....;)

keep it green,
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The Japanese artists buy good material, and there is no reason why we shouldn't. I think Americans have to get past this before we really start putting up good bonsai. You can't make something from nothing. Rick's idol Walter Pall said that himself on BT. Look at the origins of the trees of the artists that you think are fantastic and you'll see a pattern. The only one I know that's grown his own is Warren Hill and some of the other artists in California from the golden years with Naka.
Remember they are just material, not bonsai yet.

keep it green,

The first one appeals a bit, but IMO they are already far TOO much like bonsai. Rather predictable styling, almost like a commodity. I know us West Coasters with our yamadori weren,t supposed to join the discussion, but we also have access to material like this here if we want it, and YOU have access to much of OUR yamadori material there if you contact some vendors and have something shipped. Some would not grow in your climate, but many would. It is true, IMO, that one usually needs to pay for good material, but as long as you are going to pay there are just more interesting things around to buy than such stuff, although I understand why it appeals to many.

I gotta say, I appreciate seeing you post a bonsai related thread! But now how can we blame you for ruining the site?! :D
The first one appeals a bit, but IMO they are already far TOO much like bonsai. Rather predictable styling, almost like a commodity. I know us West Coasters with our yamadori weren,t supposed to join the discussion, but we also have access to material like this here if we want it, and YOU have access to much of OUR yamadori material there if you contact some vendors and have something shipped. Some would not grow in your climate, but many would. It is true, IMO, that one usually needs to pay for good material, but as long as you are going to pay there are just more interesting things around to buy than such stuff, although I understand why it appeals to many.

I gotta say, I appreciate seeing you post a bonsai related thread! But now how can we blame you for ruining the site?! :D

Apparently you didn't seen Gnome's post on the bar.....;)
Oh yeah, I'm a traditional Japanese style freak, you wouldn't believe what Marco could do this material

keep it green,
Gnome Quote:

This reinforces why I have, generally, stopped reading whatever Harry posts in the 'Karaoke Bar' forum. After months of avoiding this knee-jerk conservatism I found myself curious recently and I really wish I had left well enough alone.

I can't imagine that I am the only member who wonders why this is allowed to continue. Before you chastise me, yes I realize that I can easily avoid this material but I have to wonder how any of this benefits the bonsai community. Harry really seems to have an axe to grind with liberals/Democrats, and that's fine but is this really appropriate here?

The 'Karaoke Bar' is for off topic discussions but when it is hi-jacked by one member to promote his/her philosophical/religious/political agenda I think it has gone too far.

What is the point of this website, bonsai or politics?


The first one appeals a bit, but IMO they are already far TOO much like bonsai. Rather predictable styling, almost like a commodity. I know us West Coasters with our yamadori weren,t supposed to join the discussion, but we also have access to material like this here if we want it, and YOU have access to much of OUR yamadori material there if you contact some vendors and have something shipped. Some would not grow in your climate, but many would. It is true, IMO, that one usually needs to pay for good material, but as long as you are going to pay there are just more interesting things around to buy than such stuff, although I understand why it appeals to many.

I gotta say, I appreciate seeing you post a bonsai related thread! But now how can we blame you for ruining the site?! :D

I have a Ponderosa and a Blue Spruce to experiment with, some of your trees will survive here, but junipers will thrive, so it makes more sense for me to keep the species I have the best luck with. I do have an Itowgawa grafted California juniper that is doing very well.

keep it green,
Apparently you didn't seen Gnome's post on the bar.....;)
Oh yeah, I'm a traditional Japanese style freak, you wouldn't believe what Marco could do this material

keep it green,

Ooops - I posted this while you were posting yours, it appears. I'll let it stand anyway.

Yes, but even the traditional Japanese styles look wonderful on some of the North American yamadori - California junipers, Rocky Mountain junipers, and especially the stunningly, beautifully barked Sierra junipers - I've seen pictures of some of Boon's work on the Sierras that was a most impressive pairing of man and nature, often with Shimpaku's superior foliage grafted onto Sierra's superior bark color.

Same with the Western two-needle pines, though none, IMO, rival JBPs. Some, but not all, of those might grow well where you live, and can be beautifully styled in the Japanese aesthetic.

Many people would be absolutely thrilled to have the sort of material you posted. It's obvious you have the means and inclination to spend what many would consider big bucks on material - which I applaud. I'm merely suggesting you might want to get something a bit less predictable with your money than the sorts of things you posted here. I don't know Marco, but my guess is that he would probably love to have something a bit more exciting and interesting to transform. :)
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Marco vs material = Bonsai
Marco is a business man, he will work on anything !

keep it green,


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A few more for your enjoyment, the first should be a really nice shohin, the second an interesting trunk and the third I'm lusting after, just as soon as I get my check.......:rolleyes:
I do find it amusing that none of none of my critics have posted to this thread, good or bad. I guess they must prefer to gripe. Come on Chris, you must have an opinion........:confused:

keep it green,


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A few more for your enjoyment, the first should be a really nice shohin, the second an interesting trunk and the third I'm lusting after, just as soon as I get my check.......:rolleyes:
I do find it amusing that none of none of my critics have posted to this thread, good or bad. I guess they must prefer to gripe. Come on Chris, you must have an opinion........:confused:

keep it green,

That third tree is fantastic. Hope you end up getting it because I'd love to see you post pictures of it in the future :D
I am sure I would like any of those trees. I don't have a well grown collection and those would be wonderful. In the midwest we don't have a wonderful sellection of yamadori.
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