
  1. A

    How to price pre-bonsai? Advice needed

    I recently lucked into these 3 yews that were removed from someone's yard and the yard crew let me take them. I don't know what variety they are exactly, but around here (Dc area) it's mostly dwarf yews used for low hedging and I think that's what they are. Anyway, due to lack of space I would...
  2. T

    Where to buy pre-bonsai online in Europe?

    What are the best stores to buy pre-bonsai from? I'd love all species, but specifically Japanese maple. I can't seem to find any at my local nurseries and many I see online can be hundreds of euro. So what are the main stores to buy from? What are the best quality? What is the cheapest...
  3. JEads

    Growing Bonsai Study Groups

    I am interested in teaching some regional study groups with a focus on growing and developing bonsai from scratch. I want to present my proposal here and hope to get your thoughts and feedback. Here are my thoughts: I think that training the hobby bonsai community to grow quality bonsai is...
  4. Faisal Ahmad

    Pre Bonsai Water Jasmine | Chokan Style

    This is Water Jasmine tree, I bought it in Jan 2022. I planning using chokan style (formal upright) this picture taken from Jan 2022 This progress that tree in 25 Aug 2023 still a long journey. my target :
  5. R

    Fertilizing Prebonsai

    At the moment almost all of my trees are Prebonsai in large containers so I can grow their trunks and branches as quickly as possible. How would fertilizing differ in this stage from refinement? Would I want a balanced fertilizer in both cases or would a different fertilizer ratio be better for...
  6. R

    How do I figure out the size of a grow pot?

    I want to develop the Prebonsai I am starting bonsái with as fast as I can and I can’t plant it in the ground. I have read that pots that are too large can cause problems, so I was wondering how I can figure out what the ideal pot size for growing Prebonsai is. Is there a way to calculate it...
  7. D

    Quercus ilex from acorn

    Hello everyone, I started this thread to document the development of my Quercus ilex grown from acorn since 2017. I started a thread about this tree when I (unsuccessfully) tried an air layer. Thread 'Chasing unicorns Q. ilex air layer'...
  8. J

    Western Honey Mesquite #2

    Posted a prior thread here on a Honey Mesquite I purchased a few weeks ago at a nursery. I've been thinking about the other one just about every day since, so I bit the bullet yesterday and acquired this beauty: The tree has about a 3" base. Thoughts: - Beautiful movement. The trunk has that...
  9. J

    Western Honey Mesquite #2

    Posted a prior thread here on a Honey Mesquite I purchased a few weeks ago at a nursery. I've been thinking about the other one just about every day since, so I bit the bullet yesterday and acquired this beauty: The tree has about a 3" base. Thoughts: - Beautiful movement. The trunk has that...
  10. J

    Western Honey Mesquite

    Hey all, first thread here and wanted to show the progression I'll be going through with this Western Honey Mesquite (Prosopis Glandulosa var. Torreyana) 4/23/2023 This was the tree when I saw it a nursery a few weeks ago From this angle the trunk is about 3" however, both nebari and trunk...
  11. rvg


    This is a grafted juglans regia. Now I am developing a new leader branch. Interesting experiment with difficult material.
  12. R

    Getting my second tree as a seedling, help me get setup for success?

    Hello all, please forgive me for the rambling. I'm not quite sure what info is most important, so I may share too much. I've long been interested in bonsai, and last year I picked up a 5ish y/o Fukien Tea that I've successfully managed to not kill so far. I've always been interested in cherry...
  13. Huggz13

    YouTube, Websites, and Suppliers Recommendations Needed

    I need some recommendations please... I’m subscribed to Ryan’s, Bjorn’s, and Peter Chan’s channels. However most of their content is more advanced. I subscribed to @KleinM channel that I saw after doing a thread search, so feel free to plug your channel or website if you have one. I’m...
  14. T

    celtis australis problems. fungi? disease?

    In the spring of 2020 I dug up a few celtis australis trees that grew on an abandoned lot near my house. There were hundreds of seedlings left untouched for about 10 years under the parent tree, an 90 year old huge tree. Although the leaves are not so pretty (the tree is also called nettle...
  15. JLee9706

    Changing Wire

    Hello. I recently went to a class and started up in two bonsai. I was wondering if anyone had tips on when to rewire. What should I be looking out for? I don’t plan on repotting these until about January. Will be picking up more from the nursery this weekend for more practice. Thanks.
  16. L

    Ming Aralia Sapling- how to?

    Hi guys, new to bonsai. I have this adorable small Ming aralia that I just transferred to a bonsai pot. Would anyone be willing to help me out and circle which leaflets/branches(?) to prune right now? Because it’s so young I can’t tell what’s a branch, stem, leaf, or subset of a leaf. Help...
  17. Treebeard Bonsai

    Drimys lanceolata

    Anyone ever attempt to containerize and style a drimys lanceolata? I really like Madrone and manzanita for their red bark and evergreen aspects, but this plant seems perhaps easier to keep in a garden in the PNW. Come Spring I’ll try to get a first design and prune in. Any ideas are welcome of...
  18. B

    ‘Yardadori’ Azalea

    I recently dug this azalea from a landscape of a house being demolished. It had to be emergently dug up to save it. It’s now about 2 weeks stable in a pre bonsai pot with good soil and recovering. I removed about 80% or more of the foliage and it is growing again with several branches showing...
  19. Big Country Bonsai

    Nice score on this oak which I believe is blackjack oak.

    Hey guys I know there’s a recent appreciation for oaks and their potential to make good bonsai so I just thought I would share my newly acquired prebonsai material. I got this tree from Ray at Bent Tree Bonsai in Dallas and I think it has potential to make a nice tree at some point. The trunk...
  20. Dane Kofoed

    Rosemary pre-bonsai is dying

    This established nursery rosemary was obtained in the summer, kept indoors in well lit area until winter. Now we have less light coming in, furnace is drying the air out, and it's been lightly pruned a few times (for shape and to thin it out). It has gone from full and lush to browning needles...
  21. timeleft

    Large ficus progression (first post in a while)

    I wrote out the story of how I acquired the tree and the photos show a thorough progression. I initially purchased it from Hollow Creek when they sold off a large part of their tropical collection (maybe 3 years ago?). Its been a work in progress ever since and always a champion putting out...
  22. Grant Hamby

    Streamlining My Collection

    I'm going to try and sell a few of my projects to make some bench space so I can narrow my focus on more developed trees. Don't expect any show-stoppers, but I'll try to make the prices enticing enough. I may even sell some of my nicer pots. If I don't have any takers on here, I might try the...
  23. ColinFraser

    Leaning Juniper Progression

    I'll lead off with a couple of photos to hook you, and then I'll fill in the gaps ;) May 2016: December 2016: Back in May I acquired this Juniper. It's one of the vigorous varieties of J. chinensis, most likely Prostrata. When I got it, there were a lot of brown tips and dead spots, but it...
  24. Cory Johnson

    WTB Elm and Maple pre-bonsai

    Living in orlando it's hard to find any elm or maple (pre)bonsai in the area that are somewhat affordable for someone working a minimum wage job like myself, anyone know of some good places to look or does anyone have any they would be willing to part with?
  25. Grant Hamby

    Looking for Zelkova Material

    I'd really like to have a small broom-style zelkova but I'm having a hard time finding any material. I'm not necessarily looking for a "finished" tree, but something less developed with potential. Any and all recommendations appreciated! Thanks!
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