Alternative to cut paste??

For me, cut paste is cheap and easy to get. Amazon sells it, and a little container lasts a long time. So for me, I haven’t seen a need for an alternative. I know that some people use wood glue, even Elmer’s glue, and they claim good results. Here’s some more info:
For me, cut paste is cheap and easy to get. Amazon sells it, and a little container lasts a long time. So for me, I haven’t seen a need for an alternative. I know that some people use wood glue, even Elmer’s glue, and they claim good results. Here’s some more info:

Being in South africa i wouldn't have a clue where to get it and i live in a pretty remote location so online shopping isn't really an option
You could always copy and paste and if you dont want what you copied just delete it. but I think Cut and paste is easier it eliminates that extra step of deleting the unwanted text.

Oh cut paste not cut and paste...... I forgot this is my Bonsai forums never-mind.

But I do like @Walter Pall suggestions. that is what i would try if I didnt have cut paste.
Milking fat or union/udder-cream as it's locally called, contains triclosan as well, an antibiotic.
But I've had good results with vaseline as well.
Candle wax can be used too, and so can parafilm ( a bit more expensive).
Though I don't use it for cut-paste on bonsai, I will just say that beeswax also has antifungal and antimicrobial properties.

I only use cut-paste on deciduous trees, and only for big cuts.
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