Christmas Gift Ponderosa Pine


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This was a gift from hubby on Christmas...
Nothing will be done to it for at least a year (letting it adapt to South Texas), but I wonder where everybody could see this one being styled and what pot they would choose...Virts are welcome!!

second pic is sharpened
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Hi Irene!

That looks like a fun project! What I would do is cut off the right fork and work on developing it from there or leave it as a sacrifice branch....but one of the trunks would have to go, I would think. I would chop off the right one because it seems there are branches closer to the trunk on the left side.

In any case, looks like this one will take some time to develop! Enjoy it for a year and then let her have it!

Do Ponderosa back bud?

Yes, they bud back fairly easy on wood up to about 15 years old on average. One does need to feed aggressively, particularly in late summer and through the autumn when the tree is developing buds and storing energy for next spring.
What do you see in it Irene? What are the good attributes and the not so good ones which will lead you in a direction? Just curious to see what you are thinking.

Hi Irene - sorry it took me a while I was out camping :)

There are two possible trunklines that immediately come to mind when I look at this tree:



I would go with the 2nd, personally, if your goal was to immediately start developing ramification and final development. Here's a virt of what I think you could end up with pretty quickly:

My thoughts are to bend the heck out of most of the branches and perhaps keep both branches, but changing the angle a bit.
Hey I thought ya graduated from the design school of Suezoo =-) or did those classes end?
I love the white pine that was on that link :), but back to your ponderosa. Have you ever used raffia before irene???
Can you post a picture from each side? I don't think that this is going to be the best front. If this is the best front then I think one of those sub trunks needs to go. It has too much of a slingshot to it and they are going to be too short and thick to do much sharp bending inthem. That pine on IBC is a nice tree.....not sure your tree would mimic that.

Lets see the other 3 sides. Actually a photo from 8 angles would be nice, 1/8 of a turn each.

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