Montpellier Maple (Acer monspessulanum)


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San Jose, CA
Does anyone have any experience growing these? They don't seem to be too comon here in the States. I have three that I have been working on for a few years but they appear to be rather slow growers.

Walter Pall has a few nice ones in his gallery but I'm betting that those are most likely collected material since they are endemic to Europe.

Sure the are collected.


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I would like to bump this old thread, to see if anyone here has any experience with these trees, that can offer any insight into developing branching. And if there are different tactics than with tridents. They do seem to be far more drought and heat tolerant... Do they also have better tolerance to fertilization programs than Japanese maples?
Judy sorry no personal experience with these species so cannot comment. But you ask about being more tolerant than Acer Palmatum as far as fertilization. Why do you ask? Just curious.
This past year, I stepped up my fert program. And maybe it was the super hot droughty weather we had, but maybe it was the new feeding regimen.... I had more leaf burn than I've ever seen. On J. maple, and beech, two of the least fert tolerant, so I just wanted to see what side of the spectrum this one would fall. I would assume, since it's good in heat and sun, that it would be more tolerant. But I hate to assume...
In my experience, Japanese maples do fine with an aggressive fert program as long of course you don't overdose. That's why I asked. Perhaps Judy it may be more related to other environmental factors like your hot, draughty weather??

What's your new fert program? I use a combo of cakes and water soluble fertilizers at about half strenght. Once a week I rotate between Fish Emulsion and Peters backing off somewhat during Summer. With this regime I have not had any issues with burned leaves.
I had been using only dyna-gro (continuous feeding) and had no problems. But I'd been reading about more aggressive programs ( I'm in 80/20 non-organic) and used a combo of green dream, dyna gro, and was using humid acid additive to the dyna gro. I also did a couple feedings of miracle grow.
It could have been the MG, that's when I noticed it starting. I never over fed, but was feeding DG with almost every watering, it's supposed to be good for continuous feeding. Could have just been the bad weather, we had that huge wind storm derecho thing and that old have been a huge factor, especially for the beech.
Judy you may be onto something with the MG. This is the first year I have not used MG and noticed less to no leaf burn on most of my maples. It could be pure coincidence.

With that said, I still think it may be more due to your hot, windy weather than your fert program. Just I guess.

I am also thinking about the benefits of these more aggressive fert programs for maples. Even with the once a week applications, I do wonder how much more the trees benefit when compared to less frequent applications like once every 2 weeks to once a month applications? Next year I may experiment a bit and compare results.
I will be using the same program next year (minus the MG) and lowering the HA levels. So time will tell. Thanks for the thoughts, lets try to remember to touch base about our findings next year.

So.... no one has anything for me on the Montpelier? Not surprised, as they are not commonly used. But I'm not sure why, as they seem pretty tough, with small leaves, and spring flowers...

Jquast, if you're still here, I'd like to see what your progress has found
For what it is worth, in my experience with orchids and other plants in general, more often or not, when someone points to damage on a plant as being from excess fertilizer can often be traced back to insufficient water. Not saying this is your case, but I have rarely seen true excess fertilizer damage.

Your fertilizer program is very similar to mine, I use an MSU formulation and supplement with Green Dream. Dyna-Grow is similar in many way to MSU. I would continue with that program. Miracle Grow is something I abandoned years ago, initially in favor a Dyna-Gro, then later to MSU. So I feel you are on the right track with the fertilizer. I'm still trying to refine my system, but I feel, because I like to eat every day, I figure the plants would enjoy being able to 'eat' every day too. I am in favor of a continuous feed program. Once you figure a way to add a controlled low dose of fertilizer without spending a lot of time on it, it becomes easy.

One obstacle I had was poor performance out of proportioners that added a concentrated solution into the stream of water being delivered by the garden hose. I ended up setting up a tank, and a pump that could either recirculate the water in the tank (55 gallon drum) or to send through the garden hose. Now I fill the tank, add the fertilizer, recirculate then switch to the garden hose and water. For me it is quick and easy and the benefit of not having to worry about how accurately the proportioner was delivering the concentrated solution to the garden hose.

A malfunctioning proportioner could have been causing your problems with delivery of fertilizer, to much or too little, especially if the pressure of the water feed varies on you.

I'll be curious too to hear how things go next year. And I'll post how mine are doing too.
Not that this has any connection to the OP, but Leo, I only have 44 trees and water by hand whenever possible, and def when I fertilize, so it can't be a dilution problem. I think it was the weather, and the MG. If not then maybe the HA. I'll keep posting results, you too please.

This year the Montpellier that I have growing out in the ground decided to throw out flowers. Hopefully some of these actually mature to viable seeds.


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Wow those flowers are wonderful, and so abundant. Too bad this is such a little used maple.
Thanks for posting this!
Got a few to sprout last year and another crop of flowers on the parent tree again this year.


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I hope to be able to work mine some this year, it had a tough time last year. I hope to see mine flower someday. This is one of my latest trees to wake up, it's not even stirring yet.
I hope to be able to work mine some this year, it had a tough time last year. I hope to see mine flower someday. This is one of my latest trees to wake up, it's not even stirring yet.

I have Japanese and Trident maples in full leaf but my larger Monpelliers are just starting to swell.
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