Multiple air layers


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Mooresville, NC - USA
Hello to all. I hope everyone is doing good. I am getting ready to air layer a trident maple, and am wondering if you can do multiple air layers on a single tree? I have seen multiples on different branches. Can you do multiple on a single trunk? My tree is about 8 feet tall, can you do one at 2 feet, then one at 5 feet? Thanks in advance.
Personally I've found that the thickness of the branch affects the success rate of airlayers, that is the smaller the branch the better the chance, with a tree 8 ft tall I'd be worries the trunk is way too thick to layer. Also u want to have some leaves between each layer. So each section u layer there should be leaves b4 the next layer section-hope that makes sense
Yes, it makes perfect sense. I have had great success with smaller branches, 3/4" or less. Have done 4 on different types of trees, and havent lost one yet, (keeping fingers crossed) I have seen tridents layered at 2"-3" on different branches, but never on the same branch, like one above another. There is probably 10-15 branches in each 24" of main trunk height, so i dont think seperation would be a problem. I am just not sure about the nutrient flow. It is approximately 1 1/2" at the base, and at 4' it is probably 5/8", then about 1/2" at 6' or so. Thanks for the input.
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